6. Steal your heart (Pt.1)

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Sum up: Just a stubborn boy trying to grab the lone's attention and possibly become his friend. Will he let him? Maybe yes. Will it be easy? Maybe not...

3rd person POV

"How long are you going to keep staring at him."

Felix's head shot back at his friends that were already looking at him with a wonted expression.

"For as much as I want!" The mentioned boy scoffed and focused his gaze back at the boy sitting in one of the cafeteria tables alone listening to music.

"Oh my god just go talk to him." Seungmin just rolled his eyes and looked back at him with annoyance.


Felix stared at his lap embarrassed.

"You what?" Han repeated, raising his eyebrows while looking at the other 2 next to him.

"I already tried.." Once Felix looked up, he instantly regretted his decision of saying that.

"And he rejected you??" Seungmin and Han simultaneously broke into a fit of loud laughter. That unfortunately made everyone around them glare at them with an unreadable look. Except of course the unbothered, lonely boy.

"Stop! You're embarrassing me!!" Felix harshly elbowed Han, who was closer to him, earning a small 'ow!'.

"Yeah guys. Its not nice.." Jeongin joined in the conversation, a bit startled from all the stares.

"Sorry sorry. But really, he just might not want to talk to you. Or anyone! He is a bit distant not gonna lie.." Seungmin genuinely said and stopped laughing.

"Maybe cause nobody goes to talk to him?" He looked back at the loner with saddened eyes.

"Pshh. Its not like he talks to them if they go." He continued.

Felix eventually got fed up with their awfully true statements and unanticipatedly got up from his seat.

"Where you going bro." Han stared up at him.

"To show you that, I! Lee Felix! Will become his friend." Felix dramatically placed his hand on his chest as he looked very confident.

"Wish you the best." Jeongin glanced at him and gave him a wide smile.

"Thank you thank you." And with that he began walking towards the boy's table. Now the latter's head was laid down, using his arms as a pillow and his headphones still on. At first, Felix felt bad because he thought he would interrupt the boy's peaceful moment but he was eager to talk to him.

Felix stood behind him for a second, took a deep breath and finally poked his shoulder. He watched as the other slowly sat up, turned around and took off his headphones.

His beauty wasn't a surprise to Felix. Of course since he was observing him for months he would notice many unique things about the boy, but him being him, he didn't have the guts to approach him.

"Uh h-h-haa-" He gave up and turned around, trying to regain his composure. Felix took a few quick breaths and slightly pinched his nose bridge. The moment he turned back around, he was met with the loner's blank expression.

"Can I help you?"

To say Felix was red-faced would be hella of an understatement.

"I-I was just uh wondering if you uh i-i mean I could umm.. sit on you- I MEAN WITH YOU. with you here uh- with you not on you please i-im so sorry."

His friend's laughter made it even worse.

The boy looked like he was thinking about something and ultimately turned back around. Felix was just frozen in place, not knowing what to do.

"You can sit." Felix's eyes lightened up but his fluster was still there. He gave a quick bow and ploddingly sat next to him, leaving a comfortable space between them.

'now what.' Felix thought as his smile wouldn't leave his face. Suddenly, the boy turned his head and sat back up again.

"M-my uh name is Felix." The said boy smiled timidly.

"Hyunjin." Felix appreciated his replies even if they were blunt and plain.

He was about to open his mouth to say something but the bell halted him. Hyunjin got up and was about to walk back to his lecture but was stopped by a hand grabbing his.

"Uh- Would y-you like to hang out after school..?" It again took Hyunjin a moment to think about and what he did was something Felix surely wasnt expecting. He brought his hand up and patted his head with a small and almost wary smile.

With that, he left, leaving a confused yet quite happy Felix behind.

His friends walked up to him and patted his shoulder.

"Wow! You were incredible!!" Han joked, still laughing along with Seungmin.

"See?? I told you!"

"Yeah yeah okay."

• • • • •

Felix was walking towards the school gate after waving goodbye to his friends. He didn't anticipate that a certain someone would actually wait for him.

His heart almost leapt out of his chest when he saw the boy sitting on a bench right outside the school. He had his doubts though. What if he wasn't waiting for him? It would be so awkward if he just walked up to him with untrue purposes. He began walking away but stopped after a few steps.

He turned around but bumped into somebody.

"Ah I'm sorry." His eyes met with-

"O-oh hi Hyunjin."

The boy kept the unexpressive look on his face.

"Sorry I didn't think you actually wanted to hang out." Felix nervously played with the hem of his shirt as he waited for a single sentence to come out of the boy's mouth.

"Where are we going."

Felix stopped. He hadn't thought of that.

"Uh do you have a place in mind?" Felix asked as he watched Hyunjin fully remove his headphones and starting to walk down the pavement.

"Wait!" Felix managed to catch up with Hyunjin who was walking undisturbedly.

"Where are we going?" The taken aback boy asked.

"You'll see."

That strangely left a sincere smile cover his long forgotten frown. Step one, completed!

• • • • •

There's defo gonna be a pt2 for this but pls, patience is the key 😇🙏 LOVE YALL ❤️

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