28. The beauty you are

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Here's the catch...

I haven't written Hyunlix for sooooo long and low-key I feel bad for not honoring the two (since they were the duo that got me into skz 😔) and I've just been sucked in by Minsung. Plus, I miss them ... 😭
I stopped writing about them because I saw how their bond isn't the same but I want to revive my Hyunlix era so bad.
Sorry if you expected Minsung but please understand 😊
(Next chap will be Minsung dw (UNLESS YOU WANT MORE HYUNLIX)

Enjoy~ 🫶🏻


"Everybody, please sit down!" The professor called out, excitedly lopping to her desk at the very corner of the big room.

She watched as every student made their way to their high chair, in front of their canvas. They were sat in a way so they would be encircling the slightly elevated platform with a chair in the middle.

"Today!-" She clapped her hands with a big grin. "-we have a portrait lesson!"

Nobody seemed to be very moved by it.

Hyunjin on the other hand was twirling the thin paint brush around his finger, intensely looking at his empty canvas. He tugged his long blond hair behind his ear and bit his lower lip.

"Welcome in our model!" She stretched her hands outwards and flicked her wrists like she was presenting the start of a theatrical play.

Through the door walked a boy, thin and frail, with a blond, wavy mullet, freckles enhancing his already sharp and graceful features and with jewellery decorating his ears and decollete.

Hyunjin hadn't bothered to look behind him until the other stepped on the platform.
He sat on the chair, gave everyone a small, polite smile and recovered his blank expression again.

The older finally decided to look up, his pupils dilating at the sight.

It was the first time he had seen such a sight for sore eyes. The way his hair perfectly fell in place, how his earrings dangled back and forth with every mere head movement, the way he effortlessly posed and his unswerving gaze.

"This is Felix everyone! He is a junior from the Artistic Institute B.A.M! Such a pleasure to have you here and thank you for going the extra mile to be our model for today!" The professor capered to Felix and held her hands together.
"I'm expecting the best!!" She said before walking back to her desk, sitting down and crossing her arms with a wide smile.

Everybody grabbed their brushes or pencils and began tracing them along the textile.

Solely Hyunjin was left staring at him, his eyes blazing with wonderment. Like an angel had appeared from heaven to bless the land, like a dream had come true for a hopeless romantic, like a flower had bloomed in the depths of someone's despair.

It gave him inspiration, food for his fantasies in a strange way. At that moment, he could muse about charms in a different manner, sensing the contrasting beauty standard the model was setting.

It was as if his whole perspective of gorgeousness had reset and been revamped by him with his mere presence here.

The boy was glowing under the sunlight falling on his back, although he was already gleaming even before stepping foot into the hall. He didn't need to be made into art as it would be utterly futile. He didn't need to speak a word for Hyunjin to comprehend his divinity.

His ambience spewed out the colors for the most enthralling painting that could be created without a single touch of the brush or palette.

He was a masterpiece from the start.

And a daydream to poor, spellbound Hyunjin.

Oh how daydreams can make time run like water.

"The lesson finishes in 10!"

Hyunjin felt his heart race. 'How is that possible !?'. He gandered at his white, blank canvas and grazed his lip between his teeth, flickering his eyes from the teacher to Felix and back at his inexistent painting.

"Shit.." he muttered under his breath while watching the other students get up, stretch, settle their tools down, chat with each other and so on.

"Thank you so much for joining us today Felix! I'm hoping to collaborate with you another time." She shook his hand, bowed and took a step aside, gazing at the remaining students, meaning Hyunjin.

She knitted her eyebrows with a perturbed look on her face.

"Hyunjin dear." She civilly made her way to him, crouching a little to meet his anxious eyes.
"Was anything bothering you? You haven't even touched the canvas." She was more concerned than irritated.

"Yeah um a lot in my mind. Sorry about this."

She pressed her lips in a firm line, pondering.

Hyunjin could feel his pulse quickening again at the sight of someone approaching them.

"Excuse me." Definitely not like he had imagined it to be, his voice was rather deep but elegant like a feather tingling his ears with a profound sound to it.

"Yes Felix dear?" She fixed her stance and turned to him.

Felix managed to take a peek at the white canvas and gazed back at the senior.
"Hello." He first made sure to introduce himself to him.

"Do you need extra time perhaps?" The professor referred to the boy who was almost with his jaw on the ground.

"Ah, I don't want to bother. Next ti-"

"I don't mind." Cut in Felix and glanced at his watch. "They'll need me back at 4pm so it's okay."

He didn't know where to look. Hyunjin was simply blown away from having such a feast for the eyes right in front of him, talking to him.

"Oh well! Is it settled Hyunjin?"

He snapped out of his thoughts and stammered on his words. "Uh yes yes. Of course."

"I'll leave you guys to it then. I'm leaving the keys on my desk so you can lock once you've finished." She said before walking out, adjusting the coral colored scarf around her neck.

"Hello I'm Felix." He again presented himself with a warm smile. "Nice to meet you." He reached out his hand for the oldest to shake.

"Hi." And he succeeded in doing so, surprisingly calmly.

"So.." he began nearing the chair again, sitting back down. "I wasn't very inspiring today." He jested with a laugh that sent Hyunjin to the 8th dimension.

"No no it's not that." He quickly added, definitely not this being the reason. "Not much concentration, you know?"

"No worries." Felix waved his hand around to show him that it was okay.

Hyunjin pressed his lips together and grabbed the pencil. He discreetly sucked a deep breath in and fixed his eyes on the model.

'Who are you..' he thought to himself, feeling his heartbeat vibrate through his whole body, reaching his fingertips that held the shaky paintbrush.

"Felix huh?"


"I'm Hyunjin."

"Nice name, Hyunjin."

His lips merely curled up in a smile.

'I hope to see you again, Felix.'

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Felt poetic 🫣

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