15. Die with you

666 21 13

"Out! Out!"

Screams and orders deafened the disturbed people running outside of the building. A thin layer of smoke covered the room Minho was currently in, him pushing his guards outside of the place.

"Quickly!!" He yelled frustrated, the earsplitting siren overpowering his voice.

"Sir there are people still inside!" The guard stopped, still being pushed outside.

"I'll take care-" Minho coughed, covering his mouth "-of that!"

"But sir-"

"Get out now!"

Other workers there were trying their best to not trip and escape from the area as safely as possible, sometimes shoving other people on the ground.

Minho turned around and looked at the pitch black  depth of the hallway, hurriedly making his way over.

'where are you, where are you..' he thought, gritting his teeth in severe vexation. He kicked the door at the end of the hallway and rushed in.

"HAN!" He shouted, his deathly gaze grazing everything in its way.

"He's not- *cough* here.." A disembodied voice echoed through Minho's ears.
He took a step forward, the smoke unveiling a figure standing in the middle of the room.

Minho felt his blood boil, lava flowing through his veins.

"Where the fuck is he." He sternly asked.

The figure laughed at that.

"He's not going to make it out of here." His face was finally revealed when the flickering light shone on him.

It was a member of the group that had invaded the building, causing all this. They blew up parts of it, injured many people who were in there and demolished multiple sections, releasing harmful chemicals along the process.

He recognized the mask on his face that was part of the outfit the invaders were wearing.

"Where is he!?" Minho yelled, his mouth dropping to the ground when he saw the person holding a gun. Him being weaponless, he decided to stay calm since his main priority was to find a certain someone.

"I'll see him on the other side." He smirked bitterly, bringing the muzzle against his head, at last pulling the trigger and limply falling to the floor with blood splattered all over.
Minho cursed under his breath, completely ignoring what just happened.

"HAN!" He walked over the dead body, rushing to the room a bit further away.

The space was divided into two parts, the partition being by a huge glass window. He noticed the heavy metal door being shut closed so he just turned around to run to the other room, thinking there has already been evacuation here.

Suddenly, he heard a faint bang on the glass. Turning his head, his mind ran a thousand miles.

"HAN!" He approached the glass, feeling his heart break into a million pieces by the sight of the boy with blood and sweat running down his forehead.

On the other side Han weakly called out for help, placing his hand on the glass surface. Minho could see the smoke inside the room, meaning the toxicity had most likely affected him already.

"I'll- I'll get you out!" He ran to the door, trying to pull it and rotate the handle but to no avail. With tears brimming in his eyes, he attempted to press some of the buttons, still nothing happening.

"Sir!" Someone shouted from behind him. "The building is collapsing." His eyes widened, looking back at his partner.
"We need to get out now!" The guards dragged him out of the room, facing much opposition.

"He is still there!!" He cried out, losing complete sight of Han.
"NO! DONT LEAVE HIM IN THERE!!" He tried gesturing over but the guards couldn't do anything. The structure would collapse at any moment now and there was no time at their disposal. They hurried away from the hallway, ending up in the exit of the laboratory.

Once outside, Minho broke free from the tight hold  but before he could get in, almost everything fell apart. Smoke covered the area, not a single soul under the ruins.

A fire suddenly broke out too from the mix of chemicals, smoke, flammable liquids and the friction and pressure. Everyone around broke down, others running to help, others trying to see if there was any movement under and others just standing with a dagger in their chest.

With his heart utterly drained, he fell onto his knees, his eyes unable to move away from the tragic sight.

Thankfully a part of it was still half-standing. Not the sector Han was in though. The flames only grew bigger and stronger.
He heard screams from the other people around too but his mind was only orbiting around the love of his life that was trapped inside.

"CHAN!!" Minho made out one of his colleagues voices desperately yell, raising his head to only catch a glimpse of him darting to a stumbling person coming out of the burning building.

"Han..?" He stammered with a whisper, his feelings clenching even more when he saw it wasn't him.

Another one crouched down next to him. "Are you okay Leeknow??" His colleague asked, full of worry.

"Ha-" he swallowed with difficulty "Han..." His watery eyes drifted to look at the boy.

"He is in there!?" The boy choked out in disbelief.

An abrupt chaos broke out, making them both snap their heads towards the fuss.

There, he saw a boy limping out of the decays, wrecked from head to toe while barely holding on.
He had that familiar air that Minho could discern from miles away.

A bright shooting star reflected from Minho's eyes, quickly getting up from the ground and running to the silhouette.

"HAN!" He exclaimed, the boy instantly falling in his arms. "My love.." he cried out, pulling him close  to his chest. "I-I thought you were dead.." he caressed his hair, taking in every touch.

"I-if I am going to die.." Han raised his head, pressing his forehead against his sobbing boyfriend.

"I'm going t-to die with you sweetheart."

"Don't do this to me again!" He wailed, lightly hitting Han's chest.

The remaining employers went to help other people coming out of the wrecked edifice.

"I-I wouldn't leave you.." Han mumbled, tightening his grasp on him to reassure. After a few minutes Han spoke up,
"Come on. Let's go o-over there." He managed to stand up, his legs trembling a little.

Minho swooped him up from the ground and carried him all the way to the medical tent that was close by, seeing that the other couldn't walk all the way there.

"Y-you don't have to-"

"Please honey."

Han softly smiled at that and chose not to say anything else.

The nurses rushed over to the injured, guiding him to an examination bed to treat him with the needed care.

Meanwhile, the rest of the invaders that were alive were caught and escorted out of the site by government armed forces, what happened to them remaining history.

•  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Han felt two hands slither around his sides and a chest being pressed against his back.

"You still can't get over it?" He laughed, bringing his hand up to stroke Minho's hair.

"Don't ever dare scare me like that again."

Han giggled a little,
"I will only die with you."

•  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

I'm back from the dead 🪦👍

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