16. Paper rings

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"Minho Minho!"

Han ran up to his boyfriend with his hands in a cup shape.

"Hi Hannie." Minho was leaning in to greet him with a kiss but saw the thing he was holding. "What's that?"

"I learnt how to do it yesterday." He beamed, lifting it up in the air.

"Wow baby that's amazing." He gave him the awaiting kiss and smiled.

"Wear one." He pushed his interwined palms forward, offering the object to him.
Without further questions, Minho took hold of one and slid it on his ring finger.

"Now what?" He chuckled.

"We're married."

"Were we not before?" He commented back, the younger's face flushing red by that. "I love it Hannie." He engulfed him in a hug and pecked his forehead.

"I'm glad! It took me hours." Han hugged back more tightly.

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Small but I liked it


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