20. What a meowisidence!

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A few hours had passed since he broke up with Seunghyun, blocking his number, deleting all their messages and pictures he had.

To calm his nerves a little he decided to go out for a walk for fresh air and a change of mind.

He has declared complete hatred towards him. All these years meant nothing. The years he fought and battled to be able to talk to him or look at him in the eyes, meant damn all.

What did he even expect. The signs were written all over but the action hurt more than he had calculated it to.

Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he looked up at the sky.

It was clear pitch black but full of galaxy's glitter. It was a full moon this time, Han being able to perceive every single detail of the natural satellite brightening his path.

With no warning, a droplet fell on his forehead. He pulled his hood over his head as more began falling, slowly darkening the pebble pathway he was walking on.
He sighed as it started drizzling.

He found a bench under a tree to sit on until the rain finally stopped.

That's when he got sentimental, breaking into tears.
Quietly, the tears kept on running down his face, attempting to wipe them but to no use. He just let them be, pouring all his emotions out, considering that it was also raining, making it a bit more 'aesthetically pleasing'.

A few minutes later the rain came to an end, leaving him drenched from head to toe. He didn't care at the moment. Feeling hopeless, he dropped his head and clenched his fists, holding back more tears.

With a quick jump, a cat landed on the spot next to him, approaching the crying boy and rubbing on him with its head. This apparently caught his attention, looking up with half lidded eyes.

The cat meowed before starting to lick its fur.

"What are you doing here kitty. You must be cold.." he brought his hand up to gently pet it, hesitating at first to see if the cat wanted him to.

He could feel it purring and snuggling closer to his hand. It sat down and looked at Han with big, round eyes that would make anybody awe.

"What are you?" Han pulled his phone out and took a picture of the animal.

"Hm. A tabby, brown cat?" He looked at it for confirmation like it could possibly say anything.

"What's your purpose here. You saw me crying and felt pity?" He once again petted softly its head. He looked back at the description of the cat on his phone.

"It says here that you're a sign of good luck. Is it true kitty?"


Han smiled proudly.
"Hm. That's what I thought."

He observed his surroundings, no one in sight.

"Are you a stray or a house cat?"


The corner of his mouth quirked up.

"A stray." He noted on his mind. "Can I name you?"


"How about... hmm.." he pressed his finger on his chin to think. "Lori?"


"It's a deal then!" He laughed at the cat slightly tilting its head.

"Lori I.. wait.. are you a boy or a girl?"


"Ok I really don't want to check so you'll be a girl for a day okay?"

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