29. Sending flowers to me

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Hyunliiiiiix <3333

ლ⁠(⁠'⁠ ⁠❥⁠ ⁠'⁠ლ⁠)

Felix tottered to the front door with his hood over his head and his hands in his pockets. He opened the door and was met with the same sight he had been constantly greeted with these last 2 months.

With a long sigh of emotion, he crouched down and picked up the bouquet of flowers.

Noticing, as always, the relatively big card stuffed inside, he unfolded it open.
There was a nice drawing of him, his complexion filled with watercolors as the faint sketch of the pencil was slightly visible. He held it closer to his chest and weakly smiled.

Going back inside, he placed the flower bouquet on the kitchen counter, shooting a quick glance at the collection of all the other ones.

He picked up his phone from the table and dialed a number he knew by heart.

"Have you received them yet?"

"Yes love." He went to sit on the couch, crisscrossed position. He knitted his eyebrows upon hearing a sigh from the other line.

"Listen, I'm so sorry for all this but-"

"I understand." Felix quickly interrupted him, knowing very well what he was about to say. "I agreed on this. I'm patient enough."


"I just want to know if you're doing alright. Are you eating? Sleeping well?"

"I am." Hyunjin lowly laughed.
"How are you doing sweetheart."

"You know, the same."

Silence engulfed them both.

"I love you."

Felix could only bite his lower lip. He could feel his throat burning and itching to let out words but he just couldn't.

"I love you so much and I promise to return as soon as this is over."

"I- I love you too." He bit his thumb and stared deeply into nothing to busy his running thoughts.

"It's just a month more. Please hang on."

"I know, I know... I love you."

"I love you."

On the verge of tears, Felix pressed his lips together. "I have to run some errands now. I- I'll call you later, okay?"

"Okay. I love you. So so much."

"I love you too-" he swiftly closed the call and put his phone aside, bringing his knees up to his chest and letting his head fall on them.

You've been sending flowers to me
Send me no flowers today
Instead of sending flowers come back to me
And hold me in your arms


A rushed kind of angst <3
I'm thinking of finally publishing a smut (Minsung) that's been in my drafts for weeks but I'm really hesitant... Should I? 🫣

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