11. Steal your heart (pt. 2)

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Read pt. 1 for context if you haven't already!
Long ass chapter ahead with maaany plot twists 😭 Prolly won't make sense and will be illogical I'm so sorry. Don't ask how I came up with this monstrosity. Bad comeback ig 😔

3rd person POV

Two weeks had passed ever since the two protagonists met, or to word better, started talking properly. The tension on their first hang out was heavy but Felix was hopeful for improvement in their possible next ones.

Today he had decided to approach him again but had his doubts.

What if it was just a one-off and Hyunjin didn't want to interact ever again, was what the boy wondered continuously on his way to school.

He simply resolved to turn a deaf ear to his negative notions and filled his chest with aspiration.

Once he arrived, he stood in front of the school entrance, foreseeing his friends already waiting for him. And he was correct.

"Morning guys." Leisure steps ushered him towards them.


"Good morning."


His three friends said in unison.

"How's your little love life going brave guy?" Han remarked, the teasing tone having yet to leave even after weeks.

"Shut up. And for your information, it's doing great." Felix huffed sharply, glaring at him.

"How is he? You haven't told us anything!" Jeongin blurted out.

Felix brought a hand up to shyly rub his nape and laughed. "W-well he's nice.."

"Get out of here simp."

"Oh my god guys!" Felix rolled his eyes, knowing from the start it wasn't a good idea to start a conversation about it. "You're so mean." He playfully stuck his tongue out to Seungmin, who had cut him off.

"We had better get to class." Jeongin added, checking the time and earning a nod from each.

All of them sluggishly made their way to their classrooms, throwing jokes at each other and briefly chatting and arguing over silly topics.

"I'm off now. See y'all later." Han was the first one to be dropped off to his classroom. After walking a stripe down the hallway Felix's other two friends stopped.

"That's our stop too. See ya." Seungmin said, accompanied by Jeongin who sweetly waved at Felix and entered the classroom.

"Guess I have to walk alone all the way to class." He sighed and began to do so.
When he arrived, the teacher was nowhere to be seen and the students were 'on the loose', absolutely unsupervised. He ignored it, at least tried to, and calmly sat on his desk.

He looked around and a certain someone instantly caught his eye. Then, he saw a girl and a boy, whom he knew, approach Hyunjin with big smiles. They were his other friends. Bangchan and Hannah. The school's favorite and most liked duo.

He tried to not seem like a snoop by attempting to listen to their conversation but he just couldn't help it. Now all his attention was aimed towards them.

"Happy birthday Hyun!"

His eyes widened as he abruptly turned his head in the direction of the group. Thankfully they didn't notice him though.

"Oh." Felix mouthed. He turned back around and got sucked by the void, lifelessly staring into nothing.

'I should have known!' He thought 'It's not too late though..' He squeezed his fists excitedly 'I can surprise him!'. Was the last thought before he wandered off into his mind, thinking of a plan to fulfill his idea of doing something nice for the other. Maybe that way they could become closer.

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