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(A/N I have read so many stories like this and found out that I love these types of story's but anyway I'm mostly inspired by ZoeNightshade406  book! Please check it out it's called Are we brothers go check it out and enjoy! Also it's gonna have some of the plot changed like Harry didn't go with Hermione to save buckbeak and all that.

3rd POV:
The sound of an alarm blares through his ears, rubbing his eyes in a tired manner while checking the time. His eyes widen realising that he missed all morning of school, he still had potions then it was lunch.

He could feel from here that Snape was waiting for him angrily in class, shooting out of bed and quickly changing from Pyjamas into his robes. He darts out of the room and leaving the Gryfindoor tower while struggling to fasten his tie, rolling his eyes giving up leaving it to dangle there.

He seemed to have not been paying attention when he ran around the corner a bit to fast colliding with somebody else.

Both landing with a grunt quickly standing up dusting themselves off. "Watch it Potter!" He rolls his eyes at the boy and continues walking towards the potions classroom. "If you must know Potter I am fine thank you!" The blonde boy says sarcastically. "Bugger off Malfoy!" He yells out looking behind him only to see the Malfoy boy following him.

He screws his eyebrows together in confusion, he shakes his head not caring and finally makes it to the potions classroom. "Thank you for gracing us with your presence Mr. Potter." Snape growls angrily.

Harry POV:
Draco rushes in and sits down in the only table free, i look back to Snape and realise I haven't replied. "Sorry Sir i uh.... I slept in rough night." It wasn't really a lie, I stayed up worrying that Sirius would somehow get me like he did my parents.

All Snape does is raise a eyebrow and turns toward his desk. "5 points from Gryfindoor and your going to partner with Mr. Malfoy today." He speaks out while sitting at his desk.

My jaw drops in shock as i slowly look toward Where Draco is sat only to see him with the same face. "Sir you can't be serious!" I yell out but instantly regret it when I only get a glare in return, slowly joining Draco at the desk as I get sad glances from Ron and Hermione.

Draco moves his chair further away from me while snarling and mumbling that his father will hear about this. "Draco your father won't do shit when it comes to Snape so shut up!" I whisper yell while rolling my eyes, this kid definitely has daddy issues.

He Glares In Return and he turns it into a contest of who can be nastier. "At least I have a father to boast about!" I roll my eyes already sick of him. "At least my father would of been proud of me if he was here! Unlike some people." I grin at him only to see him smirking.

Squinting my eyes and slowly turning around coming face to face with a angry Potions Professor. "What did I just hear?" He growls obviously angry. "He started it!" Both me and Draco say at the same time while glaring at each other. Snape rolls his eyes and goes to speak until he is interrupted by a hoot of a owl.

A black owl with yellow beady eyes appears on Snapes desk waiting patiently for him, he quickly walks over and grabs the letter quickly scanning the paper with his eyes. He looks up and announces "class dismissed!" He grabs a parchment to reply to the letter that got us out of class.

Everybody rushes out and goes to a early lunch, Ron and Hermione walk over to where I am waiting at the wall. "Sad your stuck with Harry mate." Ron says throwing a arm over my shoulder I nod in agreement but quickly realise he is the reason I wasn't in classes. "Ron why didn't you wake me up?!" I yell while pushing him lightly.

He quickly shrugs while walking ahead of us into the hall, i look at Hermione only to see her gone. Where did she go? Shrugging my shoulders and sitting down at Gryfindoor table with Ron and...Hermione?! Is she teleporting or something?

"How did you get here?" I ask her confused as Ron nods also confused. "I walked here idiots." She rolls her eyes and starts talking to Ginny who is sat next to her.

Apparently when Snape dismissed the class it was actually nearly the end seeing as teachers are walking to the staff table, once most teachers are sat down I notice everybody except Professor Lupin and Snape.

Ignoring it and grabbing a pumpkin juice somebody sits behind me, and that means if its behind me it's the Slytherin table. "Potter! Had a shower today? You stink like shit." Draco laughs with his goons and turns around after seeing I wasn't bothered by his comment.

Food shortly appears in front of us, 1st years still gasping at the sight and everybody else just getting on with it. I'm grabbing food until yelling appears from the end of our table. "Lee Careful it's dangerous if you drop it!" George yells while giving panicked looks towards the great hall doors.

The doors open to reveal Fred darting for them with a smile on his face. "Okay it's set up!" E yells happily, George goes to reply but lee interrupts him. "Agh!" He calls out as he trips letting go of the vials.

Screams of pain come from 2 boys who was minding their business, everybody starts whispering as soon as the yelling ends.

Dumbledore realises that he should of stepped in sooner, quickly standing up with a worried glance towards the incident. "SILENCE!" His voice booms out across the room making it go quiet, you could drop a feather and you would hear it make a slight 'pat'.

Whimpers come from under the 2 robes, then movement and it went still and quiet not a sound to be heard.

The doors bust open revealing lupin and snape, they both walk quickly towards Dumbledore mumbling to themselves. "What is the meaning of this-" Snape is interrupted by a squeaky voice calling out.


From Enemies to Brothers. (TO BE CONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now