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Sorry for not uploading guys :( I've been really busy and trying to catch up on sleep I'll post a chapter today and while I'm on a long 2 hour drive to my dance comp I'll post some chapters hopefully <3

3rd pov:
It had been a few days since Harry made the attempt to escape, Severus was mad with Harry that he tried to run away and was planning on punishing him.

They found out Harry was 1 but acted younger, so he would get time out and swats.

Draco was playing with his toys until his belly rumbled loudly, he looked around noticing Tom must have thought he fell asleep so he left.

Draco fell out his bed but didn't mind, he never was phased with pain at this age. It just didn't bother him he thought it was funny, if something stung normally a 3 year old would cry but Draco thought it tickled.

Draco waddles over the the door not being able to reach so he looked around and saw something, a green
three legged plastic stool.

Running as quick as he could to it he picked it up seeing as it was light, he walked back to the door and made sure it was placed correctly.

He noticed that if he fell and smacked his head in the floor then that would hurt him, I mean what kid would t cry from smacking your head of the wooden floor?

He reaches on his bed to grab pillows and blankets, he noticed the chair was to close to the door for him to squeeze through when he opened it.

Puffing tiredly but moves the chair backwards anyway, he then starts to climb when everything is prepared.

He pulls the door handle and it comes toward him slowly, seeing as he was trying to be smart in the moment he pulled it gently so it didn't swing at him.

Smirking to himself obviously proud he slips his hand on the base of the door so it didn't shut again, he steps of the stool and pushes the door open giggling.

When he walked downstairs he heard voices, papa and daddy with grandpa Tom and remmy! He giggled while bum shuffling downstairs.

Arriving at the bottom step he sighs in anger, all that effort just for a baby gate to be there.

Deciding to give up he called out hoping he would be heard. "Daddy! Papa! I Spider-Man!" He yelled out giggling again.

The voices stop instantly at the voice, all Draco could hear was muffled voices until a familiar voice of daddy appeared near him.

"If he has gotten out on his own I swear!" Severus groaned while seeing Draco stood smiling cheekily at him.

"What is my little prince doing here?" Serverus asked gently while picking Draco up, draco goes to answer but is interrupted by his belly.

Severus chuckles while walking to the kitchen, he sets Draco down while telling the other men he won't be long.

"Is my prince hungry?" Severus asked smiling at the boy while making him some scrambled egg and cut up toast.

Draco nods while chewing his shirt, he sits there quiet until a voice appears next to him.

"Boo!" Sirius says in a hushed tone, draco screams hits him in the face. "Argh!" Sirius grunts while holding his cheek. "Good swing blondie." Severus and Sirius chuckle at dracos reaction.

Draco was introduced to Sirius while he and Severus was shopping,  both Draco and Sirius clicked instantly.

Draco frowns then cries thinking he really hurt him, Sirius rushes from to Snape back to Draco. Quickly lifting him up and patting his bottom softly trying to comfort him.

"Pup it's alright, I'm okay see." Sirius smiles brightly, but Draco shakes his head. Sirius thinks for a moment then grins widely.

Within seconds Draco was giggling and trying to push Sirius away as he blew bubbles on the blondes bare stomach, they calmed down when Severus set dracos finished food down.

Severus called everybody else in seeing as he made extra, the sound of chatter soon filled the room and Draco sat quietly.

He was eating happily until he heard cries, he looked around in hopes of somebody hearing it but nobody did. He looked around again and noticed grandpa Tom wasn't there, draco shrugged his shoulders thinking nothing of it.

But little did Draco know that Tom wasn't in the house rather outside talking with a familiar greyback.

Draco kept hearing the crying, it took him a second to remember that Harry was here aswell. Draco looked down that table at his papa.
"PAPA!" Draco yelled across the table. "Yes dragon?" Lucius asked after finishing the food that was in his mouth.

"Baby hawwy crying!" Draco said while throwing his arms in the air, Lucius squinted his eyes at the blonde but realised he was right.

Harry was crying hysterically how could none of them hear it, Lucius quickly threw his knife and fork down and quickly wiped his face with the napkin.

He jogs upstairs after jumping the baby gate, when he arrived at Harry room it turned out Harry was screaming his head of.

"Oh my precious angel are you alright?" Lucius asked while picking Harry up and holding him to his chest. "Dada!" Harry sobbed while gripping Lucius's neck tightly.

Lucius walks back and forth patting Harry's back and and bouncing him while whispering sweet nothings to him.

The door opened once again revealing Severus, panicked.

"Is everything okay?" Severus asked while grabbing Harry who made grabby hands to him.

All Lucius did was shrug tiredly and walked out rubbing the sweat beads of his forehead, storming downstairs and back to the kitchen.

Severus frowns not knowing if something bad happened or if Lucius was just tired.

"Is dada sad?" Harry asked sniffling, severus shook his head left and right. "I don't think so he might just be tired maybe?" Severus replied.

Harry nodded tiredly bust relaxed he was hungry, he looked at his daddy expectantly. "Are you hungry?" Severus asked unsure.

Harry nodded happily, he got comfortable again when Severus started walking to the kitchen.

"When we get in the kitchen you better give dada a big cuddle and kisses, okay?" Severus asked tilting his head at Harry.

Harry nodded silently. "Good boy baby." Severus praised him and kissed his forehead.

They arrived at the kitchen and severus placed Harry on the floor, Harry looked confused but realised he needed to go to dada.

Everybody watched as Harry crawled speedily to his dada, when arriving he made grabby hands to Lucius. "Aww is my baby feeling better?" Lucius asked while hugging him close.

"Me sowy dada! Me wont do ag'in!" Harry said giving wet sloppy kisses in Lucius's cheek.

Everybody laughed at his face when he got saliva on his face, Lucius smiled at Harry and set him down in the high chair. "Here you go buddy eat up." Severus said putting food down infront of him.

They all continued with their previous conversations still not noticing toms absence, he wasn't going to attend anyway he was still busy.

Talking to Fenrir, it's like they was married.

Always talking.

From Enemies to Brothers. (TO BE CONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now