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(Sorry I couldn't write during car ride :( my signal was horrible, also check out ZoeNightshade406  book she just finished recently i'm in love with it 😏)

3rd pov:
The day after was tiring, Harry was even worse today! He didn't eat didn't drink hated the feel of some things, he had nothing in him to go to the toilet.

It started to hurt him though..

Badly hurt him

Severus was made to give him sleeping potions before he puked from all the crying, draco was just, quiet or always looked sad.

He might of noticed Harry has been getting attention recently, like a lot of attention to where draco doesn't get it unless Tom is around or even Remus and Sirius.

But the house was quiet so might aswell get some sleep in before I regret it, maybe Harry will be better when I wake up.

Draco pov:
I woke up in my bed as usual, Hazza hadn't been feeling well so that resulted in daddy and papa not giving me attention.

If I coloured something and showed them they would nod and continue with Harry, if I was hungry I get cold food. Because they forgot to tell me to get dinner, daddy was cooking and papa was looking after Harry.

Harry this Harry that!

Did they not love him anymore? There was 2 of them so why did they both have to look after Harry?

I have to play on my own today, get dressed myself and probably find leftovers for breakfast.

Because they was to busy to watch me, or they was to tired.

I don't want to be here anymore, I don't want to cry because of something this stupid.

But you can't blame me! I'm only uh....what 3? I don't even know myself!

I just want papa to hug me and tell me it's okay, but he doesn't do it to me anymore it's to Harry now.

Whatever we did together it's now with Harry, all I want is somebody to hug me but I haven't had human touch for 2 days.

Maybe I'll go...
They won't notice just like how they haven't now!

If they didn't look at me while with Harry they won't look at me again.

It'll take them until Harry feels better, because when he does it'll show them.

What they did wrong
That they didn't even bother with me!

3rd pov:

Severus was just reading in his armchair when he heard a shatter come from the kitchen, when he stood up from the chair he heard little feet running away. he then quickly walks to the kitchen.

when he arrived he saw a glass plate broken on the floor, Lucius comes through the door with a panicked face.

they make eye contact for a few seconds then look back at the plate. "i heard feet running from it." Severus admits. Lucius just nods and calls a house elf to clean it up. "we need to investigate this." Lucius sighed.

Draco pov:

I didn't mean to knock the plate, but i took a shard of glass for protection. i quickly ran to the door with my bag of clothes and food and drink as well, i wasn't sure where i was going to go. i could just go to Fenrir Greyback?

he lives in the forest i could stay with him, or even find a shelter somewhere?

when i got outside the backdoor quietly i saw the forest where Fenrir lives, i quickly sprinted to the forest so i wasn't seen. when i was at the edge of the forest i heard 2 voices calling me, turning around i noticed uncle Remmy and uncle Sirius running after me.

From Enemies to Brothers. (TO BE CONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now