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(Sorry I haven't wrote anything I'm a bad author I know :( I've been sick and I had my birthday and a party the day after and I had comp it's just been stressful, it'll help if you guys comment things I can write into a chapter that goes with my story! It'll be appreciated thanks!)

3rd pov:
Draco woke up in a warm place, when his eyes opened he expected to be at home in bed, he noticed Fenrir sat on a chair not far from him.

He realised he really did run away, and he wasn't found.

He was successful in getting away! He's never been so proud of himself.

Fenrir notices the boy is awake. "Afternoon pup." Fenrir said as he stood up from his chair waking over to Draco. "Afternoown." Draco mumbled as he was picked up by Fenrir.

"How do you feel about becoming one of us." Fenrir asked as they arrived in the dining room.

Draco just looked confusedly at him. "Become a werewolf! You can go to this school we have just for werewolf's. You can learn the basics in year 1 and it gets better as the years go." Fenrir said excitedly.

"Year 3 was my favourite because we got to go out on a school trip for hunting." Fenrir admitted while bouncing Draco on his hip.

Draco just sat there thinking about it, it did sound nice! "Will it Huwt?" Draco whispered. Fenrir just continued doing what he was doing.

Draco got a bit scared at that. Was it a bad sign? Oh no, he didn't want pain.

He started to cry quietly at the thought of being hurt, Fenrir looked at him and saw his face was wet.

"Oh pup it's okay, it will hurt but the pain will go I promise." Fenrir comforted the crying child. "Now are you hungry I have chicken nuggets?" Draco smiled at him and nodded happily.

Soon enough they was eating together happily.

(At the malfoy Snape manor)

The house was deadly silent, tonight was the night.

Draco wouldn't be a human anymore, he would be a werewolf.

One of them.

Lucius never left his and sev's room, Severus wasn't speaking to anybody other than Harry.

And Remus was throwing up still, Sirius just sat there still processing what was happening.

And tom... had a talk with Fenrir, not to save Draco but to make sure the boy was settled in.

He really did have the power to take Draco back but he didn't want to, he wanted to teach Lucius and Snape a lesson.

A lesson that was permanent and would drill it in their heads.

The lesson was to teach them that just because Harry is a newcomer does not mean they have the right to leave Draco out.

Draco has learning difficulties, so he struggles to learn no matter what. It is harder for him to focus on stuff because he is distracted so easily.

Which will help during his turning, they could simply just make him focus on Remus as Fenrir bit him.

Fenrir's bites hurt badly no matter how gentle he does it, but he has to be the one to bite him.

He is the leader of the pack, and is the one claiming Draco as his son. Nobody could do it except him, so all those part of the pack even around the world will go to the ceremony.

Oh how Tom felt bad for Draco but he couldn't help but wonder if Severus would forgive him?

Probably not.

But Tom didn't care.

(Sorry it's a short chapter just wanted to get something out for you guys!)

From Enemies to Brothers. (TO BE CONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now