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Thank you guys for over 1k reads it means SO SO SO much to me! I would of updated yesterday but I had a comp and no internet! But here is a chapter! I'm also gonna write another book but I'll have different books for each year. I will get a y/n for the series. Male or female?

1. Male

2. female

But enjoy!

Nobody knew what to say when it was a hours time until Draco's turning.

Remus stopped throwing up and started planning, what if he stopped it from happening? What if he made a deal with the devil himself.

Remus decided he would plan it with lucius and sev along with sirius, he didn't want to involve Tom because he was suspicious of him. Tom didn't seem to be sad or angry. He was calm nothing else.

Remus called a family meeting, after making sure it was only them 4 remus allowed himself to relax. "I decided I didn't want to just sit here and mope, i want to make a plan." Remus admitted. "I don't want to sit there and watch draco be turned into a monster! I want to get him to escape, too his own home. Where he should feel loved and not ignored." Remus continued.

Severus got offended at his words. "What do you mean ignored?! We shower that boy in affection!" Sev yelled throwing his hands up. "Oh really? What did draco ask 2 days ago? Hm? What did he ask severus?" Remus growled at him. Severus just stayed quiet, remus shook his head in obvious disbelief. "He asked for you to tuck him into bed! Did you hear the glass shatter?" Remus asked again. "Of course i did! I bet the little rascal broke it for attention!" Remus just ran to him pinning him to the wall by the collar of his shirt.

"Your a fool severus!" Remus yelled. "The boy couldn't reach! He was hungry i bet! Because YOU forgot to FEED HIM." Remus yelled once again. "Trust me i was taking care of my sick son! Lucius was there aswell so don't blame just me!" Severus spat. "Get your filthy hands of me you MONSTER!" Severus yelled when saying the word monster.

Remus's eyes widen, he pins him harder to the wall. "Well if I'm the monster then your a bad father! Like father like son!" Remus regretted it the minute he said that.

The room went quiet, everybody in the room knew how severus's father severely abused him and killed his mother. "Severus I didn't mean it-" remus was cut of by being blasted to the wall.
When he looked up he was met with heartbroken eyes.

"You don't seriously think I'm like my father do you? Or that ill turn out like him?" Severus whispered but loud enough for everybody to hear, remus wanted to answer he didn't mean to say that but... he always had his doubts about the man.

When the room stayed quiet severus just scoffed, he looked at everybody and they just avoided eye contact. "Oh my god." Severus whispered. "You all don"t seriously think that do you?" Still no answer. "Fine, if that's what you think ill leave! Im sorry if you felt that way but I didn't think it would come to this." Severus didn't even cry when nobody called for him to come back.

After a few minutes the hear the front door slam shut, nobody spoke. The room was so tense that harry felt it from upstairs.

Lucius couldn't believe he let his husband leave like that, the fact he didn't help him when remus mentioned his father.

Everybody knew that Snape's father was a sensitive subject to him, lucius should of comforted him not stay quiet when he asked him and sirius aswell.

Speaking of sirius he sat there frozen, sirius cleared his throat and spoke up. "Well about that plan?" He titles his head.

"Ill save draco minutes before fenrir takes him." Remus said sitting down.

Remus and sirius looked at Lucius only too see nothing, lucius left seconds ago to get harry.
"Well i think youll be great." Sirius tried to lighten the mood, remus just smiled and shook his head.

"You do realise how risky this is? The fact it could be fatal for both me and draco." Remus said fiddling with his fingers. Sirius could only nod his head in agreement. "You'll both be fine I'll make sure of it." He promised.

Lucius pov:
The moment i left the room I couldn't help but walk to the front door in hopes that Severus left a note or stayed in the garden, but with no luck there was no trace of the man. It was as if he was never there.


From Enemies to Brothers. (TO BE CONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now