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A/N i have been busy I'm sorry but anyways its nearly my bday just 5 week and 5 days, its on may 5th i cant wait :)) yall will never believe it its Harry Potter themed but enjoy this chapter :)

3rd pov:
Lucius Malfoy stood in his office at home confused how to feel, anger? Worry? He wasn't sure but since reading that letter he knew he wanted to talk to his husband that was still at Hogwarts with the 2 boys. But he was questioning why Severus wanted to take Harry in? He was calm when writing the letter, or so he thought. You could see that his handwriting was rushed and not calm, but the wording could trick anybody dumb enough to not see he was stressed.

Making his mind up he was going to reply to the letter, he didn't want to leave the man alone with 2 boys. Quickly grabbing a piece of parchment and a quill that had the initials S.L on the bottom of it.(Severus.Lucius)

Dear Severus,
I am okay i suppose but you don't seem fine to me, why are you wanting to blood adopt the potter boy? Why couldn't his family take him in? Also how is Draco? Is he how he was as a toddler? Tell him i said hello- scratch that I'm coming over as soon as this letter arrives and you will talk to me in person, i will floo over to your personal quarters shortly.

YOURS Sincerley,
Lucius Abraxas Malfoy Snape
(PS: i suppose we could take potter in as long as he isn't a insolent little brat)
(PSS: i will ask the house elves to make an extra room suited for him)

Lucius sighs in satisfaction at the letter and sends the owl on its way, quickly remembering that he had to sort out a room for the potter boy. "Lily!" He yells out while putting his ink and quill away.


A short elf appears with a pink fluffy dress that fit quite well "Yes Master Malfoy Snape?" The house elf smiled. "Set up a room fit for a baby next to Draco's old room from when he was a toddler please." He asks while smiling "Right away sir!" And with a pop the house elf was gone.

Lucius then walks over to the Fireplace thinking for a moment, What would his father say? About his whole taking potter in? Would he be satisfied that he was being kind to his enemy's grandchild? He wasn't sure but he didn't care. After all his dad wasn't alive to judge him.

He better thank The dark lord for doing that.

And with a yell he disappeared.


(At Hogwarts)

Snape had just received the letter from Lucius, how was he supposed to explain everything in person? I mean he could just talk about Draco first then harry? Or Harry then Draco..
His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a fireplace.

He quickly walks towards it while sparing a glance at the 2 boys, Lucius smiles at him warmly then sits on the armchair next to the 2 boys. "Sev, what happened?" Lucius asks calmly. "I'm not fully sure myself seeing as I wasn't there the whole time." Severus admits while also sitting down but where the 2 boys are cuddled up.

Lucius nods and look at the now recently turned kids while thinking deeply, he looks at Severus once more making eye contact for a few second. "Can i hold him?" Lucius asks while nodding his head to the short brunet. Severus nods and grabs the sleeping boy making sure not to wake him up.

Harry whines softly but still asleep as he was put in Lucius's awaiting arms, Lucius smiles softly at him while patting his bottom seeing as it relaxed the boy. "So it's definite? We are taking him in?" Severus asks while holding a sleeping Draco. "Yeah,it's definite." Lucius whispers softly.

From Enemies to Brothers. (TO BE CONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now