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A/N I'm trying so hard but I've been working hard in this also thank you for rating for my book enjoyyy

3rd person:
Early morning spring everyone awake and chatting, well apart from one small brunet crying under a blanket in his new bedroom. He had woken up 10 minutes ago with the majority of his mind as his old self, but a bit of little was there. Calling out to him to fall into
It's arms and just enjoy the comfort of love.

But Harry was having none of it, slowly his cries got louder and 2 voices came closer but one slowly disappeared as the other seemed to be right above him. Slowly peeking out the covers that are holding him safely he sees a man with long blonde hair smiling down at him. "Hey there baby, how was your sleep." He asked, Harry realises this is Lucius malfoy, talking to him while..smiling?

Harry pulls a mean face at him while hiding again, he wanted Lucius to be offended and walk away but he just laughed and picked Harry up. "Nu! Nu! Me nu cawied!" Harry cried out while trying to get out of his grip.

Lucius is shocked at Harry because he didn't realise Harry still had some big in him. "I know your confused but your in better hands now hazza." Lucius tried to comfort him while bouncing him up and down in his hip and even tried patting his bum. But Harry was still upset and but Lucius.

With a yelp he dropped Harry to the floor, Harry realised he was only wearing a nappy and no clothes. He ignores it and make a crawl for it out the door.

Lucius still in pain hadn't realised he left the door open, his eyes widen as he follows Harry out but the boy is nowhere to be seen.

Cursing to himself about letting him get away Lucius searches the house in a panic. "Shit! Shit! SHIT! Severus! I can't find Harry!" Lucius called out but only got no reply, he remembered that Severus and Draco had gone shopping for food and toys.

Lucius shakes his head holding back tears holding the back of his hand to his forehead and the other rests on his hip.

He hears footsteps running toward him, how could he be so stupid Tom is here! "Lucius what is the matter my boy?" Tom rushes over while holding him, he wasn't how he was thought to look.

He was actually a handsome man that even dumbledore would give it a go-

Sorry swapped subjects for a moment, Lucius is snapped out of his thought by Tom. "Tom where is Harry?!" Lucius asks clearly crying now, Tom shocked at the fact Lucius was crying but quickly recovered from his state and realised Lucius was near to having a panic attack.

Tom leads him to the couch making sure he could catch his breath, after a while he calmed down still crying but breathing properly. "Lucius I will find the boy, stay here for me or try send a letter to Severus for me." Tom said as he walked away looking through the house like Lucius did not even 30 minutes ago.

Then he felt a wind draft from his right side, his eyes widen seeing the back door wide open as if something pushed it but fell while trying. Surely Harry had enough sense enough to not get himself lost in a unknown place?


Little did he know that poor harry had been found...but by Fenrir Greyback.

Fenrir was walking through the forest during this, the forest so happened to be where the Malfoy Snapes back garden was. They had no fence blocking it so anything that went into the forest from there....
Wouldn't make it out.
He was with his pack seeing as it was a full moon and they always turn together.

Fenrir smelt a strange scent wonder into their area, a powerful scent at that. The pack watched him curiously as he kept turning around to find what the smell was that made his nose oh so interested.

Deciding to ignore until he had turned because it would be easier to track the scent, after a while of waiting the familiar pain appeared throughout his joints and flesh.

He stretched after the long familiar painful process he had grown used to he wanted to scout out the scent that makes his tail wag.

Once finding the direction of it he shoots of towards the strong scent, he noticed it was near the edge of the entry into hell. (the forest)

Slowly inching toward the small figure he sniffed the air making sure this was what he was searching for, when he was directly infront of the small infant he decided that it was his new pup now.

He had always wanted a pup, to protect or to teach self defence to! But that moment was short lived when a voice called out to him right as Fenrir lifted the child by the neck thinking it wouldn't t hurt him. "FENRIR! Put him down!" Tom yelled out thinking he would kill the small child.

But Fenrir slowly stepped back Harry still in his mouth, he heard giggles and Tom clearly heard it to.
Fenrir sets the kid down noticing it was him who was giggling. "Doggie! Doggie!" The child clapped his hands.

Fenrir didn't realise that Tom had walked over to them calmly, Tom held his hand out signalling for Fenrir to press his snout to his hand so he knows that Fenrir isn't in killing mode. He follows in doing so sighing at the warmth of his hand. "Fenrir this is Harry, Harry Potter." Tom introduced him.

Suddenly Fenrir lies down curling around the boy spreading warmth through Harry's body, Tom notices Harry had regressed from this. He was now a 1 year old maybe?

Harry mumbled random sounds and plopped his thumb in his mouth falling asleep in the fur that surrounded his tiny body, Tom slowly went back to the house so he could inform Lucius of what had happened.

He didn't want to ruin the duos moment, he was gonna make sure that Fenrir could spend time with Harry.

Even if Severus and Lucius didn't agree with it...

•spelling error
•used different word (s)

From Enemies to Brothers. (TO BE CONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now