Chapter 10

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I just got back from the library when I was with Estelle and Jean. It was Friday so naturally as we always do on Fridays we didn't go to school instead we went to all of our favorite places in the city.

And we always end up at the library with the coffee shop attached.

"Alright guys I gotta go home, do one of you guys want to be a doll and drive me home"

"idiote, Carmen drove both of us here so she's the only one who can drive us back."

"Alright sis let's get a move on" she says getting up

"Why are you in such a rush today?" I ask standing up and following her out the building

"Nico is taking me to dinner and I need to shower" she says as she gets to my car

"Ew. Jean your in the backseat" I call out before getting into my car and turning it on

Well what am I supposed to do tonight then?" Jean complains

"I'm babysitting for Marquinhos tonight so unless you want to help with that I don't have anything" I say and pull out of my parking space

"I actually would love to do that. Your acting like babysitting for PSG's very own Marquinhos isn't a big deal." He says laughing

"It's not." I say and shrug my shoulders

"I cannot with you" Estelle says and laughs

"Whatever laugh it up now but it's not funny" i yell over their laughs

"So what's going on with superstar Gavi?" Estelle asks

"What are you on about?"

" I saw that he followed you on insta and you literally were talking about it for like 20 minutes yesterday in FaceTime." She states

"Um yeah. Uh I don't really know." I say as I turn into Estelle's driveway

"Well you keep me updated but love you guys see you tomorrow morning bright and early for breakfast" she says as she gets out and slams the door

I pat the empty seat motioning for Jean to come up to the front

"So your parents are good with me coming over" he asks me as I start driving to my house

"Yeah my mom is totally obsessed with you, like actually" I say

"I feel famous"

"Well don't feel to famous also I have to call Gavi later before Marquinhos drops off his kids so just be quiet when I do.

"Will do car"

I turn on music and we listen to Chicago by Michael Jackson the rest of the drive


"Mama we are home" I yell out as i open the front door

My mom walks out of the office and practically jumps when she sees Jean she really likes him I think she likes him more than me sometimes

" hey jean how is school for you?" She asks walking up to him

"Everything is good but it's way better because Carmen here came back finally."he exclaims I shoot him a look

"Well thats good, we are heading out in about 30 minutes. And Carol texted me and said they were leaving in 15 minutes so they will be here soon."

"Alright mama, where is ciro?"

"Napping in my room, I will have your papa wake him up whenever he gets out of the shower"

"Ok we will just be in the kitchen" I say before walking towards the kitchen as Jean follows me

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