The rest of my stay in Barcelona fly's by
I went out with Gavi a few more times and we were just getting closerI was sad to leave but excited to see my family and friends again.
As soon as I hit back home and walked into the house and saw my mom and my youngest brother"How much did you guys miss me" I ask
"Tons" my mom says getting up and hugging me
"Where is papa?" I ask
"Training he should be back in an hour or so" she says letting go of me and going back to ciro on the couch
"I know I just got back and everything but can I go out tonight with Stell, Jean and Nico?"
"That's fine just be home before 11:30"
"Ok, I'm going to go put my stuff away, I'll be back down in 20 minutes." I say going up the stairs
When my father get home I greet him and he asks if I want to go to the cafe down the road with him and Neymar just to catch up"Of course, I would love to go. Let me go out on a sweatshirt and then we can go" I say
"Ok no rush niña" he says
I go up the stairs quickly and then come back down in a second
"Vamos papa"
"Tu tiene 18 años you can drive" he says tossing my keys at me
I make a sour face then walk outside
We arrive at the cafe and walk in and at the table is Neymar and warren"Hellllloooo guys" I say rushing over to them and hugging Neymar from behind then giving warren a fist bump
"What's goody Carmen" warren says
"Why are you intruding the Neymar and Carmen reunion this is very rare" I joke as my dad sits down
"Give me a break you say him a week and a half ago" my father says
"That's why it's rare Leo, because they are never apart ther is never any need for reunion" warren says laughing
" laugh it up your just mad we are a better duo than you two." Neymar says
"Facts" i counter
We all just chatted for about and hour before I had to go home to get ready
We said our goodbyes then left
Estelle pulled up outside and I said goodbye to my parents
"Remember 11:30 and if your going to be later pleas just text us pequeña" my mom says
"Ok mama I will see you later"I say back blowing a kiss to her and walking out the house
I look to my phone as it buzzes in my bag
It's a message from Gavi
We haven't talked in ages amor
Dude we talked this morning before I left
Dude is wild
Well what would you like me to call you
I dunno
Your smart
Come up with something
I have the perfect name for you
ganso tonto
I mean that's better than being trapped
In the dude zone
Alright dude
I gotta go hang with some friends but how bout
I call you later when I get home ok?

Something real- Pablo Gavi
FanfictionWhen the daughter of super star athlete Lionel Messi meets one of his former teammates she falls head over heels in love with him. Will it work out?