Chapter 40

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2 years later
I was boarding the plane to go see Gavi in Barcelona and I had something for him that I was a little nervous about but I was feeling optimistic.

This trip was one of the rare occasions where he knew I was coming normally I would drop in and surprise him but he was also very eager to get me in Barcelona with him.

On my flight I was texting wit Mia non stop as she knew what my secret surprise to Gavi was

She had just asked me how I was going to give him his surprise

I was planning it with her before I dowsed off on the plane

After arriving I got in a Uber and went straight to Gavi's house he moved into a few months ago
I took a deep breath and knocked on the door
I waited for a second before we swung the door open and immediately pulled me into a hug

"Hola amor" he says before pulling back and kissing me softly

He pulls away and grabs my hand and pulls me inside

"So I have a game later today at 3 so I'm hoping you'll come to that then after I was thinking we could go to dinner"he says and flips onto the couch

"Yeah that sounds good" I say walking to place my bag down in his room

I walk back out and go sit with Gavi

We sit in a comfortable silence for a few seconds before he speaks up

" are you alright caramel"he asks

Yeah" I say and smile at him

"Are you sure, you can tell me what's on your mind" he says grabbing my hands

I think about giving his gift before deciding not to and just wait

"It's nothing I'm just a little tired " I say and give him a kiss in attempt to assure him what I said was true

"If your tired we can just watch a movie and relax until I have to leave" he suggest

"That sounds good" I say and he pulls me closer to him and puts on a movie and I nod off quickly

I wake up to Gavi shaking me lightly

"Amor, come on I have to go" he says carefully moving from next to me

"Ok" I say and yawn

"Mia said she would pick you up in an hour so just make sure your ready ok?" He asks

"Ok" I respond as he kissed my check

"Really" I question him and raise a brow

He rolls his eyes playfully and runs over to me and pulls my face closer to his and kisses me briefly before pulling away

"Much better, see you soon" I say as he runs backs over to the door and waved goodbye

I get up and go get in the shower quickly before changing into the jersey Gavi gave me before putting on mascara and lip gloss then grabbing Gavi's surprise and throwing it in my purse

I go back out to the kitchen and look for my sunglasses when I hear a honk outside

Just as I begin to rush I spot them and grab them then rush out to Mia's car

"Did you tell him or give him the surprise" she asks me as soon as I get into the car

"No not yet I'm give it to him tonight though" i say as she nods before driving off to the stadium

The match ends in a 4-1 win for Barcelona meaning Gavi will be in a good mood for the rest of the day

"Great job cariño" I say and give him a kiss over the barrier

"Meet me by the player exit in 10 okay?" He asks me and I nod

I tell Mia we here I'm going and tell pedri good job as well before going to meet with Pablo


After our dinner gavi was driving somewhere that was slightly familiar but I couldn't figure out why until we got to a sign

It was the beach me and Pablo had our first unofficial date technically

"Come on amor" he says

I get out and follow him before we get to the sand and begin walking up the beach

"So how are you feeling" he asks me

"I'm feeling good. I'm always good when I'm here with you"" I say and he smiles

"I'm glad you think that he says grabbing both of my hands and standing in front of me

"What's wrong" I question him

Suddenly he's dropping onto one knee and pulling out a ring

My hands by reflex swing out of his am over my mouth

"Carmen Messi,will you make me the happiest person in the world and marry me?" He asks

I'm silent because of shock for a good second before responding

"Yes of course I'll marry you" I say and she's a tear as he puts the ring on my finger and comes up to my face and kisses me

I pull back and just look into his eyes

"Well it's a good thing i move houses all of your clothes are going to take up six bedrooms" he says laughing

"Actually it is a really good thing you moved into that house " I say and reach into my purse

I finally find his surprise after digging through my bag for a second

I pull out a positive pregnancy test and hand it to him

"As I was saying we are probably going to need the space for baby Gavi right" i say as he stands in shock looking at the test

"I'm going to be a father" he says

"You are going to be a father" I repeat laughing

He smiles and pulls me in for a kiss.
"Thank you for this amor you have no idea how much I love you" he says after pulling out of the kiss

"No no, thank you for helping me find something real" I say as he moves back yo the side of me and we walk back to the car



wow. Something real was one of my favorite stories to write I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I did enjoy writing it even with everything else going on in my life.
I have another book in the works so stay in the lookout for that

Until then,
Your favorite author

Something real- Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now