Chatpter 23

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"I think in the second half when soler had the ball in the box if he crossed it instead of that extra dribble and step he took, there would've been a goal." I say to warren

"Well I agree except Coman was already in front of Hugo and he was the only one in the box aswell" he counters to my statement

I shrug

"I mean the game is over but looking back there definitely was a few more things that could've been done to allow us points" he adds to his previous statement

I nod a look down to my phone again

I see a few missed texts from pedri so I tap on his name

Texts below

                        Perry 🤔
I think you should respond to Gavi
Like asap
Or now
Like right at this moment
                              Why is something wrong?
He's like pissed
He was watching the psg match
And during halftime
He saw you with jean
But like you and jean together
                When I had my head on his shoulder
         Are you serious that's so fucking stupid
       I was tired so I put my head there to rest
That's not all
He is mad about the instagram post
        What is wrong with the instagram post
You and jean together on the table
And you with jean and the other guy
                 I cannot even ,they are My friends
I know that
But he won't listen to me
So you need to text him before he does something stupid

                            What do you mean by that
Just text him car

I sigh and throw my head back against the seat

"What's up?" Warren asks turning to look at me

"Everyone is just so dramatic, and for what." I say

"Trouble in paradise?" He questions raising an eyebrow

"Far from paradise" I say while going onto my messages with Gavi

It's all full with texts

Text chain below

Are you ok
Are you still out
Bro just answer the phone
Why are you blowing me off
To hangout with that guy
         That guy is my best friend nothing more
                                                              Nothing less
                And I didn't realize I wasn't allowed
                                  To hangout with my friends
No I didn't mean it like that
I just wanted to make sure your ok
                 You obviously didn't just want that
                       I can't do this if there is no trust
                                            Let me correct myself
                  I will not do this if there is no trust
Because I refuse to be a victim of more than one unhealthy relationship in one lifetime
Ok I'm sorry
I trust you
You know I trust you
And if anyone shouldn't trust someone
You shouldn't trust me
I'm sorry
I just saw you on tv and it scared me
I don't want to lose you
                                              You won't lose me
                                     All I want is some trust
I promise to try to contain myself
I will trust you
You just gotta respond to me
That's my only term
                                 I  can manage that I think
Ok caramel
I have to run sprints because I'm late but
I will speak to you later?
                      Ok, have fun I hope it's hard😘
"Ok I've resolved my conflict" I announce as we roll up to my house

"That's so lovely" he says laughing

I slap his arm

"Be nice to me I'm having a bad day" I say as we get out and walk inside

"Why is your day going bad?" He asks

"I'll tell you but not here I don't want my mom to freak out let's go to the park" I say motioning towards the door

"Ok hold on let me just put my bag down" he says

We walk out the the park because it's just down the street

"Oh my lord, all of that and nobody has posted it like publicly" he says

"Yeah, I'd actually cry again if my parents found out." I huff

"They wouldnot be mad at you though" he questions

"No just questions, so many questions I'm not willing to answer"

"Just stay calm and ignore him, he's a bad person and it's just unfair to put yourself through this by feeding into his sick game"

I smile at him

"Thank you I'd be so lost without you right now." I say

He wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me into his side a little

"I have that affect on people" he says winking

We laughed and talked for a few minutes before turning and going back to the house

"You never told me what happened with Gavi In Barcelona for your date" he brings up as we walk in

"Oh yeah, let me tell you but let's go into the study because I think ciro is napping" I respond and walk into the study that is well lit my the sunlight peaking through

"Ok so now talk" he says motioning for me to speak

"Ok so it was super cute, we went to dinner then to this really pretty place that was so nice and quiet and he gave me this beautiful bracelet. Then I kissed him so crazy." I spill out

"Alright Carmen rizz twice in the same trip."

I laugh at his joke

When I get a text from Estelle

Ok so the plan is to go to nice in 2 days
Then stay for like 2 or three night then come back also I'm going to see Paul and one of his friends while I'm over there
Ok that sounds fine
And before we leave, tmrw night we can
Go to a little girls dinner then you can spend
The night before we leave the next morning

Alright that will work, talk to you later?
Yeah call me tn
Ok love you

I set my phone down and looked up to warren

He was staring down at his phone

"What is so important" I ask

"Nothing it's just our game is like a joke apparently, everyone is making fun of us." He says

"The are haters" I say smacking his phone out of his hand

"Why don't we go try to figure out the espresso machine to take both of our minds off stress" I say grabbing his arm and pulling him toward the kitchen

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