I wake up at around 8 to a text from my mom
It reads:
We just left to get the boys. there is yogurt in the fridge for breakfast
I respond with a thank you before going to my closet and change into leggings before calling mia
" wait so you like know Gavi well?" She asks
"I wouldn't say well but I we have kinda been flirting"
"Okkk Carmen bag a footballer and put a bow on him"
"I dont know yet but I gotta actually text pedri about that."
"Oh the day you get here they have a game maybe surprise him then."
"Tú eres muy inteligente" I say
"si lo se"
"Alright I gotta go make sure I have everything packed but I will see you tomorrow afternoon" I say
"Love you see you soon" she says before ending the call
I go back into my closet and grab the Barça jersey that has Pedri's name on the back he gave me for my birthday the year he joined the first team.
I shove it in my bag before going downstairs to get some foodI was responding to a few texts before I remembered that I needed to text pedri
I texted him my plan and he told me that it would be so cute and that he would put me and Mias names on the list.
I finished eating and went out to the balcony
I looked off at the city and thought about my conversation last night with Estelle
Was Delphine actually with Landon?I was trapped in my thoughts before the sound of my doorbell broke me out of my own head.
I walk over to the door and open it to a familiar face but I just couldn't put my finger on who he was
"Hi, is Leo here right now?"
" not at the moment, I'm sorry to sound rude but who are you?" I ask
"Oh my apologies, I'm warren emery i play with your dad" he says
I feel so stupid
"Oh my goodness I feel like and idiot come in, they should be home in a few minutes so your welcome to wait" I say and step aside
He walks in the house and I close the door
"So your Carmen right?" He asks
"That's me" I respond and motion for him to follow me to the sitting room
"So you can wait here my parents should be here any minute now I could wait with you if you'd like." I say
" if it's not to much to ask sure"
I nod and sit on one of the chairs and he remains standing
"So your warren. the youngster with all that talent." I say breaking our silence
"Is that what people are calling me now?" He says and laughs
"It's not like it's wrong, you do have quite a bit of talent and your on the first team at age 16, hell your younger than me!" I say
"How old are you?"
"17, I turn 18 in 4 days" I reply
"No way." He says
"What?" I ask
"I turn 17 in 4 days"
"So your my birthday twin isn't that cool" I say laughing
We sit and laugh and talk for a good 5 minutes before I hear a car door slam
"I think that is my parents but give me your number so we can stay in touch"
"Sounds a like a plan to me." He says
I take his phone and put my number in as i hear voices echoing through out the hall
"Carmen niña are you awake?" My mom yells
"I'm in the sitting room mama" I yell back
My father walks in and greets warren
"Well I'm going to go to the shops with Estelle and Nico be back in an hour ." I say
"mantente a salvo carmen" he says before hugging me
"Ok papa"
I walk to my mother and hug her before going out.
The next morning-
"Carmen wake up" my mom says
"Come on niña we gotta go to the airport"
I get up brush my teeth and put in my sweatpants with a hoodie
I say goodbye to all my family members and my mom drives me to the airport
" ok baby stay safe and text or call every night ok?"
"Ok mama love you see you in a week"
"Bye pequeña" she says
I walk into the airport and check in and I'm waiting at my gate nervously because I always get anxiety when flying
I text Mia back letting her know I'm about to board and then Estelle texts me
Jean talked to Delphine last night.
And she said?
She told him that she dating Landon
What the fuck
Yeah she's such a bitch
She knew what he did and she's dating him anyway
Like I don't even feel bad for her
It's alright we will sleuth more and tell you what else we find out
Enjoy Barcelona
And Gavi 😏
Shut up stell 💀
Don't have to much fun😩
Absolutely not your blocked. Unfriended. Banned
Love you more caramel
I put my phone in bag because I had to board.
I found my seat on the plane and put my headphones in and prepared for my 2 hour flight——————
Tú eres muy inteligente: you are very smartsi lo se:yes I know
mantente a salvo carmen: stay safe carmen

Something real- Pablo Gavi
FanficWhen the daughter of super star athlete Lionel Messi meets one of his former teammates she falls head over heels in love with him. Will it work out?