i missed you .

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"Promise me you'll marry me when we grow up!"

"Hm? What's Mawy?"

"When someone you love stays with you forever and loves you!"

"Ooo, I pwomise! Wixie stays with Jinnie fowever!"


10 years later~
Present age:
Felix-15 Hyunjin-18


"Felix!" Jisung screamed from behind me as he was running towards me.

"Hey Ji!" I smiled as he hugged me.

"I thought you we're dead, you didn't answer my texts!" He whined.

"Hm, my bad. My phone died!" I chuckled putting my hand in the back of my neck.

"Huh, well did you hear!?" He asked excitedly and desperately.

"What?" I asked confused.

"There's a new student!" He exclaimed.

"Oh, boy or g- BOY!" He cut me off.


"Aren't you excited? You might meet a cute hot boy!" He exclaimed.

"Maybe," I simply said. "Why do you care?" I asked playfully, rolling my eyes.

"Becuase! Your single as fuck." He rolled his eyes back.

"Whatever." I said, flinking my finger on his forhead and walking into my first period.

"Yahh! Wait for me, Lix!" He ran to me and caught up.

"Let's go to the library, yeah?" I began. "We have 30 minutes before class starts.

"Alright, but imma go buy a snack first. He said, walking to the cafeteria.
I hummed as a response. But as I was walking to the library, I saw a crowd forming infront of the main office.

There was a tall brown-haired male standing beside a teacher with a paper in his Hand.

Is that the new student? I went closer, but Wonyoung pushed me aside to get through.

"Move." She said as she went through the crowd. I hated her, not only was she the most 'popular' girl in the school, she was also mad annoying.

"Hey Hyunjinie!~" She said innocently , grabbing onto the students arm.

Hyunjinie?- sounds familiar. I stepped closer, and I saw him. Was it really him?...

'Hyunjin...' I accidentally said out loud. He turned to my direction. We made eye contact. His eyes squinted to see me but then softened.

"Fuck off Felix." Wonyoung said taking Hyunjin with her. Hyunjin didn't say anything, just left.

Does he even give a fuck about me? He literally said he loved me, but yeah. He leaves me one day suddenly and now when we meet agian. He ignores me?

I was pissed.

I turned back to the library to meet up with Jisung in.

"Hey, lix? You weren't already here?" He said as we walked in together. I ignored him and went to our usual table.

"Lix, you good?" I sighed and looked at him.

"No, the new student is Hyunjin."He gasped.

"Why aren't you happy then?" He asked. "This is like a kdrama!"

"No, it's not." I sighed.


"Cause. He completely ignored me and went with Wonyoung." I said cleary pissed.

"Huh!? He's with HER!?" He asked shocked. I nodded.

"How can he be with her." He asked, disgusted. I shrugged and took out my notebook.

He took out his phone and was doing something in it, while I was writing and doodling randmon things.

Then we heard the library door opened, I didn't care so I didn't spare a glance but Jisung did.

"Lix, is that him?" He pointed becuase Hyunjin was clearly with Wooyoung. I turned around and we made eye contact. Not a short meaningless one, but a long one.

"Shit." I murmured. "Let's leave." I told Jisung packing my stuff. He nodded amd left with me.

As we we're walking out a strong arm gripped my arm. I turned to see Hyunjin holding me back. Jisung also looked back and glared at him.

"Leave him." Han said.

Hyunjin ignored him and just looked at me. I tried to get off his grip but he was to strong.

"Fe- Felix! What are you doing I said to fuck off."
Wonyoung cut off Hyunjin.

"It was Hyunjin who grabbed me." I stated pissed.

"Yeah right." She said crossing her arms.

"He's right. I grabbed him." Hyunjin spoke up.

Wonyoung pouted and glared at me. She grabbed Hyunjin's arm.

"Whatever, let me walk you to first period." She told him.

"No, I'm good." He said. "Felix will walk me." He stated.

I looked at him confused.

"No I-" Hyunjin then left with me leaving Wonyoung dumbfounded with Jisung.

He was still grabbing my arm as he led us to a bathroom. He opened the door, and went in with me. He then looked at me agian. That face. Still handsome. Fuck it. I still like him after about 10 years.

"Felix." He said. He caressed my face and stared right into my orbs. "I missed you."

"Why'd you leave."

"I had to Lix."


"I'm sorry."

I began tearing up. He then hugged me. I felt so safe in his warm embrace. I missed him so much. I felt like a whole part of me was missing when he left.

"God." I sobbed. "Why do I still love you." I said with sniffles.

"I love you too, Lixie." He chuckled softly and kissed my forhead. " I always have." He smiled softly hugging me tight.

I hugged back like he'd leave me agian. Now only my sniffles were heard and our slow breathes. He lifted my chin and looked at me so softly.

He came closer and closer, then attaching our lips together. It was a soft, loving and pationate kiss.

"I love you Felix."

"I love you Hyunjin."


Any ideas for more oneshots?¿

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