shouldve known .

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Today, Felix got ready for school wearing baggy ripped jeans that revealed some of his knee and thighs and a white long sleeved crop top that revealed his small waist and flat stomach.

He fluffed up his mullet and put on some jewelry. He took his backpack and headed out to the bus stop.

Once the bus was there, he got in to find his best friend and secret boyfriend that only Jisung, his best friend, and Minho, Hyunjin's best friend, know about.

"Hey Hannie!" Felix greeted, sitting next to him. He glanced at his boyfriend, who was staring at him.

"Hey Lix!" Jisung answered, smiling.

Felix plugged in his headphones in his phone and put them in his ears. He played some music made by Treasure and rested his head.

He glanced at Hyunjin and saw him glancing at his stomach and thighs.

Felix blushed but turned away and closed his eyes, resting on Jisungs shoulder.

Felix has been secretly dating Hyunjin for about 5 months now. Who would've thought that someone like Hyunjin would fall for a normal innocent boy in school? But all they knew was that they loved each other no matter what.

The bus soon came to a stop to the school, and mostly all students were inside.

Felix and Han started walking inside the big gates when Hyunjin patted Felix's butt and slid a note in his pocket of the back of his pants.

Felix felt something there that he took from his pocket and saw writing.

'Meet me in the backyard during 1st period ;) ♡'

Felix smiled and put it back in his pocket.

Once Felix and Han arrived at their classroom, the teacher didn't take long to come, and 20 minutes of class, Felix asked to use the bathroom.

Felix was walking through the halls normally like he usually would to go meet up Hyunjin.

As he was walking, he bumped into a group of 3 boys. Let's say the biggest bullies in their grade.

"Watch where you're going you musty fucker!" One yelled. Trying to. Clean his stain since he dropped his coffee on him.

"S-sorry." Felix bowed a little, not wanting to cause problems.

"Sorry, doesn't cut it!" The same male yelled.

Now it was transition, and everyone was leaving class, and the hall was getting crowded.

"You want to fight with me or something, Lee?" The guy asked.

"Uhm n-no, I said I'm sorry!" Felix raised his voice a bit.

Then Felix felt a sharp sting in his cheek.

"Don't raise your voice at me!" The guy who slapped him said.

Now, all of them were shoving him to the lockers and punching him. Felix felt weak. He felt numb, and his eyes were watering.

"You done causing a problem, pretty boy?" One of the guys asked, smirking.

Felix looked at his left side and saw Hyunjin there. Doing nothing, just watching.

"Hyunjin! Hah, look at this pathetic loser. He stained my clothes and he got what he deserved." The guy that started all this said, putting an arm around Hyunjin.

Felix's tears were now forming. Some tears fell out when he made eye contact with Hyunjin.

Hyunjin stared at him then to the ground and hesitantly said something that broke Felix's heart.

"Pft yeah, good job. Someone had to beat this loser sooner or later." Hyunjin then realized what he said. He knew he fucked up. But his "label" and "carrer" we're apparently more important than his boyfriend.

Felix looked at him in shock and sadness he started crying now, and Jisung, his best friend, ran to him.

"Lix! What happened to you!! " Han asked, taking him in his hold and letting Felix cry his heart out.

"What the hell is your problem! What did he do to you, eh!?" Han spat then looked at Hyunjin.

"And you! You bitch! You fucking fucked up. Don't ever talk or go close to Felix ever agian! You hear me!?" Han yelled and took Felix to the nurse.

Hyunjin was left there. He knew he had fucked it all up. He was cursing himself mentally. He wasn't thinking. He's so stupid.

Felix was now in the nurse. She had given him bandages and special lotion to rub in your cuts.

Felix was lying down in one of the beds staring at the sealing. He didn't want to cry anymore. He couldn't cry. He was too tired.

"Lix, I'll go get you some snacks, okay?" Jisung said, carrising his cheek.

Felix hummed as a yes, and Jisung left to the cafeteria.

Felix was thinking about Hyunjin. How he didn't care for him. He let out a sob and turned to the side.

He just couldn't believe Hyunjin would really betray him like that. His own boyfriend.

But he should've known. How could someone like Hyunjin love him? Why did this happen to him? Why?

"Fuck you Hwang." Felix said sobbing.

A knock was then heard. He thought it was just Jisung, so he didn't think anything.

They then knocked agian.

"Jisung, just come in." Felix said.

"It's not Jisung." Felix heard. Hyunjin's voice. Hyunjin then slightly opened the door.

"Uhm, h-hey Lix." Hyunjin said, stepping closer to the sobbing boy.

Felix turned around to the other side and wiped his tears.

"God, I'm sorry, Lix. I'm so stupid. Please forgive me. I'll never do that again." Hyunjin said, carrising his back.

"Don't touch me, H-hwang." Felix sniffled.

Hwang. Hyunjin has never heard Felix say his last name only. It was always "Jinnie," "Jin," "Hyunnie," or "Love" never Hwang.

Now he knew he had ACTAULLY fucked up real bad. He couldn't believe what he did to this angel. How he wished to go back in time.

He might've ruined something with their relationship. How could he ever forgive Him. He thought.

"Oh my Lixie. I'm so sorry. I fucked up. I'm sorry, please forgive me. I wasn't thinking. I was so- HWANG!  Get the fuck out!" Don't touch Felix." Han inturpred Hyunjin and imidietly went over to Felix with the snack bag.

"Get out. You've caused a lot of pain already." Han said lastly, looking at Felix.

Hyunjin sighed and left making eye contact with Felix's teary, swollen eyes.

Hyunjin's POV:

His swollen teary red eyes. That broke my heart. God, why am I so stupid? I made the love of my life heartbroken.

I fucked up real bad.

What can I do though.

Jisung won't let me get near him, and Felix won't talk to me.

I still love him.

I'm sorry.


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