pretty boy .

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Requested by STAYFORSKZ132<33

I was walking down the hallway in school, heading to my favorite period.

I get to see my pretty boy.

This boy I always see.

He's so adorable, his eyes, hair, freckles, button nose, everything about him is beautiful.

I always look forward to seeing him in 5th period. His smile always makes my day better.

How I wish I could kiss his pretty heart-shaped lips. What a lovely boy, seriously. This boy has me whipped.

I entered the classroom to see my pretty boy sitting down writing some things into a notebook. Didn't quite see what it was, but he had very neat handwriting.

He was also giggling with his best friend.

I smiled and sat in the back, my usual seat. Also, a very perfect view of the beauty. I placed my things down and took out a notebook and pencil.

I started sketching his side profile.

Masterpiece. Litteraly.

As class went on, I just zoned out and drew him. I didn't even realize that Mrs. Park was calling me out.

"Hyunjin." Chan whispered to me. I looked up to see the whole class staring. Even pretty boy.

He giggled.

"Mr. Hwang? Aren't your grades lower than a 70?" She asked, looking at me seriously.

"Uhm, I guess yeah." I answered.

"Looks like someone needs a tutor. The smartest person who we all know can tutor him is Mr. Lee, Felix, please tutor Hyunjin after school until finals start." She demanded.

"Uhm, y-yes ma'am." He said, bowing slightly in his seat.

I imidietly screamed internally.

There is no way HE will tutor ME.

I put my head down, smiling so much I couldn't feel my cheeks. Also, he giggled at me!?

I looked like a school girl fangirling over the biggest play boy in school.


I was about to leave class when I felt a small hand tug a little on my sleeve.

I turned to see the pretty boy staring right at me. He was so adorable. I almost cooed at this boy. His cute smile makes his cute chubby cheeks stand out and freckles. His doe eyes formed into a curve. He was so short, too. I wanted to hug this boy right then and there.

He was wearing a cute white skirt with a cute brown cardigan.

I couldn't hold it he's WAY too cute, oh my god.

"Hi, I'm you're tutor apparently." He giggled.

"O-oh uhm y-yeah, uhm, I'm Hyunjin." I smiled awkwardly, bowing.

"I'm Felix!" He smiled back, bowing.

"Uhm, so my house or yours?" He asked.

"Uhm, mine if that's okay." I smiled awkwardly. God, I'm being so awkward. I probably look like an idiot I face palmed myself.

"Yeah, that's fine!" He answered.

"Okay, c'mon." I said. He took his backpack and followed me like a lost chick.

He looked so cute, and it was kind of funny how he tried to catch up.

I then turned to him and reached for his hand. This sudden pulse told me to do it. He looked confused at first but took my hand with a smile.

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