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What's right

Do I follow what screams to me

Or what's whispered in my head

Do I envision the future to be

Or amplify the sound of dread

What's wrong

With the rhythm in my soul

When reason plays not in harmony

Should happiness be my goal

Or should reality be my melody

What's wrong and right

When my life-song hangs by a chord

Do I walk to my own heartbeat

Or do race forever forward

To the selfless notes written on the sheets

What's right or wrong

Mind or heart or spirit, all three

Fight to win to win my will

In epic battle of symphony

Bellows low and shrill

He's right

He's my strength, my salvation and my song

When my will is weak, he gives me rest

Mind, heart, body and soul

He leads all four, harmony manifest

Yea his will is best

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