Chapter One

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I woke up with my alarm blaring in my ears. I checked the time. 6:30am. I dragged myself out of bed. Last day before spring break. Me and my friends have big plans, we were going to go to Cougar Creek as an all friends camping trip. It was senior year and since we were all going away in the summer we planned this as a get together before we go our separate ways. I got up brushed my brown hair with blonde strips in the front and did my makeup. I brushed my teeth, put on chap stick and walked out the door. My mom was taking me to school so I sat in the car and waited for her, I checked the time again. 7:05. School started at 7:30 the buses usual arrived at 7:20, 7:25. My mom finally got into the car, it was 7:15. We drove to school. When I got there it was around 7:22. Me and my friends usual meet up at the chorus room, when I got to school I saw Alya and Jonesy waiting for me. Alya has short pink hair, she was wearing her usual white hoodie and black leggings. Jonesy, her bf, was wearing a grey hoodie and black sweat pants, he has brown hair with some blonde at the top.
"Hey y'all, what's up"
I walked up to them
I was wearing ripped jeans, a T-shirt and my boyfriend's blue jacket over.
"We were waiting for youuuu why didn't you answer?"
Alya said gesturing to her phone. I checked my phone. 7:26. I had 3 missed calls and 17 messages.
"Oh damn."
"Come Alya let's go to class"
Jonesy started pulling Alya to the direction of her class.
Alya pulled her hand away from Jonesy
"You have to."
Jonesy said
Alya turned around and crossed her arms.
"Come on babbeee, if I have to go class you have too."
Jonesy put his arms around her.
"You have band. That's easier than stupid English."
Alya tried pushing Jonesy away but Jonesy stayed
"It will go by fast just let's go, I gotta charge my laptop, we can take the long way if you want."
I said
"Ughhhh fine."
Alya stomped her feet and we walked to her class.

  When we got to her class, I put my laptop on the charger and me and Jonesy started to walk to band.
Alya yelled
Alya clinged onto Jonesy and wouldn't let go.
I checked the time, 7:29.
"Oh shit we gotta go."
I said and started to tug on his arm
Alya let go of Jonesy and me and him walked to band.

  The day goes by as if it was the slowest day ever. During English I finished my work early, or that's what I told the teacher when she caught me researching Couger Creek. The one thing I didn't tell them was that there's a legend that anyone that ventures deep within that forest tend to never make it back alive! Obviously it sounds fake asf, but, it will be fun to go ghost hunting since there were a lot of deaths there back in the 80s. And some... fairly recently.
   Next period we had performing arts with Tyrone, Wesley and Laila. We were talking about the camping trip, it was a free period. Tyrone was wearing a grey shirt with black sweat pants, he has brown short hair. Laila was wearing a white shirt with leggings, she has long blonde hair. Wesley, he was wearing a shirt and a pull over hoodie over it, and jeans, he has dark brown hair. The lunch bell rang and we saw Jonesy and Alya walking by. We ran out and I gave Alya a hug then we went back inside before the teachers yelled at us.
"Oh! We should figure out who's sleeping with who!"
Laila brought up.
"Oh yeah you guys don't gotta worry about bringing tents or anything, we're going cabin camping, there's a big cabin I rented out for us- well my parents helped."
I said, I pulled up pictures of the cabin. Everyone seems to like it.
"Oh cool there's a big fire pit and everything."
Tyrone said
"I'll bring stuff for s'mores!"
Laila pulled out her phone to add to the list.
"How many rooms are there?"
Tyrone asked
"There should be 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and the living room couch should turn into a bed."
I said
"So who's sleeping with who?"
Laila asked
"Well knowing Jay and Lazarus they'll want a bedroom."
Wesley rolled his eyes
"So will Alya and Jonesy"
Tyrone added
"So that's 2 rooms taken.... Me and Wes can sleep in the 3rd one!"
Laila responded
"Huh? What about me?!"
Tyrone mentioned
"You can sleep in the living room where that one couch turns into a bed"
Laila laughed
"By myself?!"
Tyrone yelled
"I'm sure it won't be that bad Tyrone, if you really don't want to sleep there you can switch with me"
I chuckled
"And sleep next to Lazarus?! Hell nah, forget that. I'll sleep in the couch bed."
Tyrone demanded
I rolled my eyes and wrote down who's sleeping with who. I texted Alya and Jonesy the sleeping areas and showed them the cabin they liked it.

  After the day was over I got my stuff packed for the next week. I did my homework and then I changed and layed down in my bed. I sighed, very productive than I usually am.

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