Chapter Four

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The silence filled the air. It was almost pitch black, the animals were not making any sounds nor were the trees.
I called out, quiet, but loud enough to hear.
The rustling started in the bushes again.
We were frozen in fear. Something black jumped out and we closed our eyes and screamed.
Jonesy grabbed Alya's arm. Alya pulled away and hugged me. Jonesy started laughing and fell to the floor laughing his ass off.
"PRANKED YA. Yo were you actually scared? That's crazy."
Jonesy and Lazarus revealed themselves.
"You assholes! What the hell is wrong with you?! WE WERE WORRIED."
Alya yelled.
"It was just a joke calm down."
Jonesy tried to get close to Alya.
"No. I'm mad at you now."
Alya turned away from him and started walking away.
"Hey wait I'm sorry! Come back!!"
Jonesy started going after Alya.
I gave Lazarus a glare.
"Hey, it was Jonesy's idea..."
I started to walk away.
"Wait. In my defense, I tried to warn him it was a bad idea!"
We made it back to the cabin. Everyone else was sitting by the fire pit.
"Oh, there you guys are. What happened, you guys look pissed."
Wesley asked
Me and Alya sat on one of the logs while Jonesy and Lazarus sat down next to us.
"Jonesy happened thats what."
I pointed at him.
"What did he do now..."
Tyrone rolled his eyes, crossing his arms with an annoyed look.
"Hey! What do you mean by 'this time'"
Jonesy was offended.
"He scared us in the woods! Absolutely terrified us."
Alya pushes Jonesy away while he was trying to comfort her.
"I'm sorryyyyy please forgive me I love youuu"
Jonesy whined
"Oh boo hoo. Did you guys at least get the fire wood?"
Wesley asked
"Uhm... about that."
Lazarus looked at Jonesy.
"SHIT! we left it in the woods so we could scare them..."
Jonesy face palmed.
"You guys had one job, ONE. JOB!"
Laila stood up.
"Ugh well now it's too late to go out for fire wood.. great job guys! I wanted s'mores..."
Alya crossed her arms and started walking towards the cabin. I checked the time 10:30pm
"I guess we should get back into the cabin... we can do this tomorrow night."
I said starting to get up.
"We got all this set up for nothing?!"
Tyrone yelled
"Don't look at me look at them."
I pointed to Jonesy and Lazarus sitting there watching everyone leave to the cabin.

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