Chapter Eleven

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   About 10-15 minutes later we got to the camp. We docked the boat. We got off and we looked around.
"Keep your eyes and ears open."
Sebastian suggested. We started walking towards the cabin. We didn't hear anything.
"Ughh it feels like we've been walking forever. Can we take a break now?"
Alya whined.
"Alya... it's been not even 5 minutes."
I mentioned.
"Guys shh!"
Lazuras shushed is. We heard something dragging. Then we started to hear some groaning.
"You guys stay behind me."
Sebastian gestured us. He started slowly walking towards the noise. We immediately saw a bloody hand come from out of the bush. We all jumped. Sebastion quickly grabbed the hand and pulled the person out.
Sebastion gasped. He was all bloody and he was missing an arm. Sebastion rolled him over on his back.
"Greg buddy, you'll be okay."
He grabbed that green bottle he gave us earlier from his jacket and tried pouring it in his mouth. He was losing a lot of blood.
"You guys go get your bags, meet me at the boat."
He gestured us away.
"Come on let's go..."
I grabbed Alya and started walking away, Lazurus followed.

  We made it to the cabin. The door was still open. I started walking towards it. Alya pulled me back.
Alya gulped.
"I'm sure it will be fine, maybe jonsey grabbed the body and moved it somewhere else?"
I questioned.
"Whatever, just you go first!"
Alya pushed me towards the door. I rolled my eyes and continued walking. I opened the door wider. I looked around. No sign or Tyrone's corpse.
"See I told you."
I opened the door wider and walked inside.
"Ugh it smells in here..."
Alya covered her nose.
"Let's just grab our stuff and get out of here."
Lazurus started walking towards the stairs. That creature then jumped out from the top of the stairs and landed on him. We both screamed.
I quickly started hitting the creature with my bat. I ended up swinging him off of Lazarus. I tried helping Lazurus get back up. The creature then charged at me and hit me, it made me fly to the wall. I blacked out fro a second by the impact. When I opened my eyes,
Alya swinged her axe and hit the creature right in the neck. She started hitting him repeatedly untill it was bleeding on the ground. Alya put her hands on her knees out of breath. Lazurus got up and ran over to me.
"Are you okay?"
He helped me up. I nodded.
"Let's go get those bags so we can finally leave..."
I smiled.

   When we got yo stairs we were surprised about who we saw. We all gasped. Wesley, Laila, and Tyrone were standing in our room. They turned around and saw us.
"Oh, look who decided to show up."
Wesley snickered.
Alya was in disbelief. We all were.
"I think the real questioned is why you guys left us!"
I demanded.
"Us? Leave you? We would never. We were just going out to get some things at the store."
Wesley replied.
"In the middle of the night?"
Lazarus questioned. They rolled their eyes.
"Why did you guys leave me to die?! I know for a damn fact you guys heard me calling for you guys."
Tyrone barked.
"Tyrone were so sorry, we tried to warn you, we thought it was too late!"
I tried to explain.
"No. I don't want to hear it."
Tyrone turned away from us.
"I'm so confused..."
Alya put her hand to her head.
"I can explain it for you, you guys were just being flat out selfish! You only care for yourselves. You left poor Tyrone to DIE. We are done with you. You should have never came back here."
Laila very dramatically rolled her eyes and turned away from us.
"Hey! One of the reasons we came back here was for YOU guys. We only left because it was too dangerous to stay and we couldn't find you guys anywhere. WE LITERALLY SAW TYRONE DIE. We tried our best to warn him. We would have done more but we had nothing to protect ourselves. You call US selfish?! Where were YOU guys the WHOLE NIGHT?!"
Lazurus argued.
"Ok ok, just make up lies seem like that bad guys here. We're telling the police it's all your guys fault."
Wesley pulled out his phone.
"After everything we've done? After everything I've done?! You know I was trying to do something nice, I didn't HAVE to invite you."
I yelled.
"Well we wish you didn't, if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't even BE in this mess!"
Laila scoffed.
"You think it was MY plan to have Jonesy tune into that creature? You think it was MY fault that Tyrone almost died? You think I wanted this to happen?! Well I didn't. All I wanted was to have a fun just friend camping trip."
I sighed. I had my head down. Everyone else was glaring at each other. Wesley put the phone down.
"I won't call the police. Just stay away from us."
Wesley scoffed and turned away.
"We don't even want to be with selfish jerks like you anyway."
Alya stuck her tongue out at them and they both leaded me towards the door.

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