Chapter Nine

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We stayed quiet. We heard someone come up the stairs.
"Who is that...?"
Alya thought for a moment. We both looked at each other.
We both whispered.
"Hey guys? What's going on?"
We heard Tyrone shout down the hall.
"What do we do?!"
Alya whispered. We heard Tyrone walk into our room.
"What the fuck...."
Tyrone said. We looked over and we saw him frozen in fear as the monster noticed him. The monster started chasing him.
Alya screamed.
"Come on let's meet him down stairs"
I said. We found a way down and ran to the door. We opened it. The monster got to him before we did.
Alya cried. I silenced her with my hand so it wouldn't notice us. We hid behind the wall next to the door.
"What do we do?! There's no car... Tyrone just DIED!"
Alya whispered. I looked around trying to figure out what to do.
"I'm calling the police."
Alya pulled out her phone.
"And tell them what?"
Lazurus blurted
"We can just lie I don't know!"
Alya said
"DAMN IT! No signal..."
Alya complained. The monster stopped what it was doing.
"Shhh! Alright let's keep moving."
I whispered. We snuck around the building and ran into the woods.

We ran for awhile and we decided to stop to catch our breaths.
"Do you think that he saw us?"
Lazurus asked.
"I don't think so..."
I said.
"We have to find a way out of here!"
Alya cried. I looked around and I started hearing water.
"I have an idea!"
I jumped up.
"Maybe we can use the canoes to escape!"
"That's a good idea"
Lazurus agreed.
We jumped and turned around to where we heard the voice.
Greg emerged from the shadows.
"Omg Greg! Are we happy to see you."
Alya smiled.
"I told you guys it's not safe."
He said.
Alya yelled.
Greg covered her mouth.
"Not so loud... did he have a scratch on him or something?"
He asked.
"Well, he did say something about his leg..."
Lazurus mentioned.
"What does that have to do with anything?"
I asked.
"When that zombie scratches or bites someone it will start to turn them into one hours after contact."
Greg explained.
"Why didn't you mention that to us before?!"
Alya barked.
"I wasn't thinking of it and he didn't show any signs of it."
Greg remembered
"Wait... where's the others?"
All three of us looked at each other.
"Jonsey ate Tyrone and Laila and Wesley left us to die."
I responded.
"Did it see you leave?"
Greg asked.
"I don't-"
A growl interrupted me. It came from behind a bush next to where we were.
"Everyone quiet..."
Greg whispered.
"Move slowly and quietly away..."
We were moving as slowly and quiet as we could. We kept hearing he growling, it got louder every time. Then it stopped. It was quiet for awhile...
"Are we good?"
Alya asked.
It jumped out from the bush and roared.
Greg shouted.
We ran towards the water.

We found the stream that leads to lake.
Greg yelled.
"Are. You. CRAZY?! I can't-"
Greg interrupted Alya and pushed her into the water. She screamed. We all jumped into the water.
Alya screamed gasping fro air. I tried helping her but she kept dragging me down.
"I'll handle this you guys SWIM."
Greg yelled.
"but I-"
Greg interrupted me. Me and Lazarus started swimming away. We made it to the lake and saw the canoe.
"Look! Let's go to it."
I suggested. We swam to the canoe and got inside. I started to row away from the dock.
"What about Greg and Alya?"
Lazurus asked.
"I guess we'll have to wait."
I stopped it right where the stream ends and waited.

I heard screaming and growling and then everything went quiet. There was a stream in the water from where they were.
My heart dropped. Then I someone swimming and gasping for air.
I heard Alya yell from down the stream. She was trying to talk but her head kept going under water.
I yelled while jumping into the water.
I left Lazurus behind while I started swimming for her. I saw her trying to swim while the current took her down the stream. I caught her.
"are you okay?! What happened to greg?!?!"
I stammered.
She demanded.

I brought her to the canoe and Lazurus helped us up. Alya was gasping for air.
"Calm down... tell us what happened."
Lazurus said.
"I... well uhm.... Greg was trying to protect me from Jonsey and uhm well Jonsey jumped into the water and start attacking Greg, he ordered me to leave and start swimming even tho I couldn't, that's why I called for you. I heard screaming and growling. I think both of them drowned. I saw blood go down the stream and when I looked back they were no where to be found..."
Alya explained.
"What do you think happened?"
I looked at Lazurus. He shrugged.
"Ugh I'm so done with this trip, let's get out of here."
Alya sighed.

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