Chapter Eight

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We decided to do some fun stuff inside. We played some board games and card games. We brought them just in case if it rained. I didn't want to risk going outside especially after that thing almost killed Jonesy. Wesley and Laila were kind of being bitches while we were playing. They kept arguing with us.
"What is your guys problem?"
I asked.
"Ugh if you didn't make us go here none of this would have happened!"
Wesley got up. We were all sitting on the ground playing monopoly
"You didn't have to come."
Alya mentioned
"Yeah, she gave you guys a choice. Besides, it's not Jaylyn's fault. She didn't know that this was going to happen."
Lazurus remarked
"Oh? She didn't know this was going to happen?"
Wesley laughed
"For someone who's been planning this camping trip for 'years' supposedly, wouldn't they do research on this place? Wouldn't they make sure it's safe? Especially since her dad rented this cabin out."
I looked down at myself. He was right. I knew that this place had secrets but he shouldn't be blaming me for everything. The room fell silent. Everyone was looking at me. I got up and began to speak.
"You're right Wes. I'm sorry. but you can't just blame me. I-"
I cut myself off. I took a deep breath not knowing where this speech would lead.
"I don't even know what I was thinking. Yes, I did know that this place had some... mysterious stuff happen. I also may or may not have known that this place used to be a summer camp that had a lot of.... Deaths. I only thought that it was haunted. I mean, I was going to surprise you guys by going to that abandoned mess hall and using some ghost equipment but I guess I got everything all wrong."
Wesley was not amused. He just kept giving me a glare.
"Well thanks to you, we almost died. If Lazarus didn't point out the blood trail we would have been goners."
He stomped away with his follower Laila not too far behind him. We watched them leave. I slammed myself on the couch. Lazarus sat next to me.
"Wait... so you knew about the summer camp?"
He asked.
"Well... sort of. There wasn't that much information. I knew that people died at that summer camp but I didn't know about this monster."
I spoke.
"So it wasn't really your fault. I mean, you know Wes and Laila. Wes will get mad, throw a fit, then the next day he'll apologize and that is that."
Lazarus pointed out.
"Yeah but that's usually over stupid things like if he doesn't get his way. I think I messed up this time. I shouldn't have brought you guys here."
I scolded myself. I should've known that if Wesley found out he would have acted this way. I should have just gone to that stupid camping site my father goes every year.
"stfu. Gurl. It's not your fault. You wanted us to have fun. They are just being stupid ass bitches. Come on let's have fun without them."
Alya got up and sat on the other side of me. I smiled at her.
"Okay fine you're right. We don't need them, let's finish our game."
We got back on the floor.
"Hey guys? I think I'm going to go lay down for a bit. My ankle really hurts..."
Jonesy blurted.
"Wow. Way to ruin the moment."
Alya rolled her eyes
"That's fine I guess."
I said. Jonesy walked up stairs and we just finished our game.

It started getting late so we decided to call it a night. We fell asleep, but I awoke to a scream. I shot up in bed. I checked the time, 3:00am. I heard the scream again. It sounded like Alya. I rushed out of bed to see Alya running into my room.
"What the fuck is going on?"
I asked. Alya was panting and locked the door which caused Lazarus to wake up.
"What's going on?"
He asked.
Alya screamed.
"I don't know what happened... I think it was the scratch in his foot!"
"Wait, what scratch in his foot?"
I asked
"Remember when that monster thing grabbed his foot? It left a scratch and I think that's what turned him into that THING!"
Alya cried
"Are you hurt?"
I asked
"No. Well I mean, I don't think so. But that's not important right now! We need to get out of here."
Alya yelled.
"Uhm uh..."
I looked frantic around the room trying to see how we could escape.
"We can escape through the window."
Lazurus suggested.
I said
"SHHHHH we can't risk him hearing us! We have to be quiet..."
Alya whispered.
"You were literally just yelling."
I said.
Alya yelled.
"Wait, what about Wesley and Laila?"
Lazurus asked.
"Who cares about them! They were just yelled at us. Besides when I ran past their room the door was open, they weren't in there."
Alya snarled.
"So you're saying they left us to die."
I acknowledged.
"I think Jonesy is testing apart their room right now, come on let's go!"
Alya demanded. We ran to the window and got it open. One by one we made it out, but this was the hard part. We were on the second floor, we had to find a way down.
"Where's Greg when ya need him."
I muttered. We looked around for a way down.
"We can use the car, we can hop on the roof and just get down like that."
Lazurus suggested.
"Okay but... where's the car?"
I asked.
"You don't think they took it... do you?"
Alya asked. We heard a bang from inside. Jonesy was in our room.

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