Chapter Thirteen

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     We were half way there. There were no boats out as what I could see. It started getting foggy.
"I can barley see"
I groaned.
"Sucks to be you."
Alya snickered.
"This isn't going to get us home any faster."
I rolled my eyes.
"Just keep going straight. It should be straight ahead."
Sebastian said. I kept going straight. The waves kept picking up and kept moving me. I tried going faster to resist the waves. We ended up crashing into a big ship. I saw it too late because of the fog. I tried to slow down as much as I could. The fog started to clear up a little. We head creatures growling.
Alya screamed. A creature jumped onto our boat almost tipping it over. Alya hit it with her axe and kicked it into the water.
We heard someone yell. A older looking man looked over his ship to us. He had marks all over his face and body. His clothes were ripped and torn. Sebastian sat up.
"Mr smith?"
Sebastion said.
"No way. Is that the owner of the camp?"
I asked. He nodded his head.
Robert screamed at us.
"His creations...? He was the reason.."
Sebastion looked down at himself.
"So this was all his fault?"
He glared at Robert.
"I hope you like when it rains!"
Robert was laughing while a bunch of the creatures started trying got get on our boat.
Lazarus yelled. I still had the rifle so I tried my best to shoot them as much as I could. Alya and Lazarus tried their best to keep them off the ship. Alya missed swung and accidentally caused a hold in the boat. We started sinking.
"DAMN IT! sorry!"
Alya apologized.
"We have to get off the the boat. The creatures might be waiting for us under the water."
Sebastion ordered.
"Greg said they couldn't swim."
I mentioned
"Must have evolved."
He shrugged. I looked around.
"Maybe we can make it on the ship?"
I pointed towards it. Sebastian nodded.
"We have to make sure he doesn't see us"
Lazarus said. We looked through the tools that were under the seats of the boat. We could rope and a hook.
"we can use it to attach on the ship."
Sebastian said. He started tying nots in the rope so it would be easier to climb. While Robert was distracted, Sebastion threw  the rope and it caught onto the ship.
"Who wants to go first?"
He asked. Alya pushed me towards the rope.
"I guess I am"
I shrugged. I started climbing up. One of those creatures came out of nowhere and started climbing down the rope. I screamed.
Sebastion tried his best to shoot them off. I calmed my breathing. I was able to climb the rest of the way. Lazurus came next, then sebastion. Alya was the only one left.
"Come on Alya, you're going to be stuck in the water, YOU CANT SWIM."
I reminded her. She was hesitant.
"I don't know..."
Alya looked around her.
"We don't have time for this."
Sebastian snapped.
"Come on Alya, just climb up. It's not as bad as it seems."
I said. She took a deep breathe and started climbing up.
"There you go! Keep going your almost there"
I reassured her. She kept climbing. One of the creatures got on the sinking boat and cut the rope. Alya screamed as she hit the side of the ship. She was almost to the top. I reached my hand down.
"Grab my hand!"
I yelled. She tried to grab it. It slipped. She fell further. She screamed again.
"Jaylyn, I don't think I can do this!"
Alya yelled.
"Yes you can, just try your best, you're almost there!"
I said. She took a deep breathe and tried pull herself us. I reached my jeans down and she took hold of it. We pulled her up.
"That wasn't too bad was it?"
I asked.
"Why couldn't that have just happened to one of you guys!"
Alya yelled.
"All that matters is that we got up here safely. Come on let's go."
Sebastian said. We walked around, trying to find a source for where these creatures are coming from. We found Robert at the steering wheel of the ship. He turned around and saw us.
"Long time no see... Sebastian."
A creepy smile went across his face.
"What the hell is wrong with you? You caused hundreds of people to DIE."
Sebastian hollered.
"It doesn't matter to me, they were going to die eventually."
Robert turned back around.
"KIDS. we're talking about kids. They had their whole life ahead of them, were you apart of this the whole time?"
Sebastian questioned
"It wasn't my fault."
Robert mumbled.
"What was that?"
Sebastian asked.
"I didn't mean for things to turn out this way."
Robert looked back.
"Well then what the fuck were you doing?"
Sebastian yelled. Robert turned around again to face us.
"While I was looking for a place to have my own summer camp, I found a whole nest of these creatures. I figured out how to control them. Now I'm more powerful than ever! Do you know how that feels?"
He looked down at his hands.
"That doesn't mean that you kill a bunch of people Robert."
Sebastian glared at him.
"My friends, dead. Right in front of me. Scarred me for life. Do you know how THAT feels?!"
Robert laughed.
"No, and frankly, I don't care."
He raised his hands. Something around his neck glowed green. The creatures gathered up behind him.
"He must be controlling them with that amulet."
I pointed towards it.
"We have to find a way to get it off of him."
Sebastian got his rifle ready.
"Get ready to parish."
Robert laughed.
"Give us what you go you piece of shit."
Sebastian growled. We got ready for battle.
"Since you don't have a weapon we'll hold them off you try to get that amulet!"
Alya ordered. Robert moved his hands towards us, the creatures started charging for us. In the chaos while they were distracted I snuck around him. He was too busy laughing and watching his creations attack my friends. I grabbed the amulet strangling him. He pushed me off. he touched his neck, nothing was there. I successfully grabbed the amulet. The creatures stopped and looked at him. I threw the amulet on the ground and crushed it with my foot. The creatures started cornering Robert.
"Hey now guys... we can talk about this."
He was shaking. The creatures pounced on him. We heard his screams as we backed out of the way. They tore him to shreds in underwear not even a minute. One of the creatures turned to look at us. It nodded his head as if it was saying thank you then all of them jumped into the ocean.
"Is it... over?"
Alya asked.
"Finally... I think so."
I smiled.
"Alright let's get you guys home."
Sebastian walked over to the steering wheel.
"We're going to be taking this big ass ship?"
Alya asked. We laughed, Sebastian nodded.

   We made it back to the lake house. The dog officially cleared out by then. We got off. We got everything ready to go. We got in the car.
"So I guess this is officially goodbye."
Sebastian said.
"Yeah... thanks by the way, for helping us."
I said.
"It's no problem, I can't believe it was really Mr Smith the whole time..."
He said.
"Yeah, well we'll hope to see you again some day."
I said
"Yeah I doubt it. Alright well you guys should probably get going now. Long drive."
Sebastian waved us goodbye. We were on the road, once again.
"We have a lot of explaining to do when we get home.."
Alya mentioned. We all sighed.
"Hey, at least it's over now. Don't gotta worry about it."
I reassured.
"Do you think they are going to blame it all on us? Like their deaths?"
Lazarus asked.
"Let's hope not..."
I spoke.

   Awhile later on the drive I dropped everyone at home. Our parents were worried, we told them what happened, but we had no proof. They made us go to the police and they admittedly suspected us. Wes, Laila, and Tyrone's parents wanted to put us in jail for 'killing their kids so and investigation took place. It was their turn to see it for themselves.

The end.

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