Chapter Twelve

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    We grabbed our bags and we headed out towards the boat. We heard the creature get up from inside the cabin. We stayed hidden just in case it walked out. We then started hearing their screams. We started snickering at each other.
"They definitely deserved that."
Alya pestered.
"Let's hurry to the boat before any other creature notices us."
I suggested. We started walking away from the cabin.
"This whole trip has been crazy man."
Alya sighed
"Well at least it's over."
I turned around and got one last look at the cabin.
"Probably shouldn't say that until we finally get home safe."
Lazarus mentioned
"Last thing we need is to be jinxed."
Alya ran over to a tree and knocked on it. We laughed. I started back at the Cabin. Sucks that we didn't get to spend too long here. It was fun while it lasted though. A screen broke my train of thought.
"That sounds like Sebastian!"
Lazarus yelled. We ran towards his scream. We found Greg turned into one of those creatures and was on top of Sebastian.
He screamed. Alya ran over and tried to hit the creature with her axe. It threw her against a tree.
"Holy shit."
I looked around. Lazarus tried running at it and failed like Alya. It started going after Sebastian again. I looked around frantic trying to find something. I saw Sebastian's rifle covered in leaves. While the creature was detracted with Sebastian I grabbed the rifle. My dad used to always take me out shooting, I tried to remember how to use. I didn't have much time I closed my eyes and pulled the trigger. I pulled it again, And again. Hoping I was hitting it. I heard a big thump. I opened my eyes and saw the creature laying on the ground. Sebastian was catching his breath and was laying in the ground. Alya and Lazarus were unconscious due to the creature throwing them against the tree. I ran over to Sebastian. He lifted his head up.
"Great work kid."
He said while laying his head back down.
"There's some of that drink in my pocket can you grab it for me?"
I grabbed it and gave it to him. He drank it. He got up slowly.
"You know how to drive a boat?"
He looked at me.
"Kind of..."
I said.
"My dad taught me how but that was a long time ago."
"I believe you can do it."
I helped him up. I went over to Lazarus and Alya, I shook them awake. They woke up.
"W-what happened?"
Alya got up and asked.
"I'm glad you guys are okay, let's get to the boat."
I smiled. We made sure everything was in our bags and we walked to the boat. I sat down in the drivers seat.
"You got this, I need to lay down."
Sebastian said while laying down in one of the seats. Lazarus un tied the ropes and jumped on the boat. We pushed off the deck and I started the engine.

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