Chapter Two

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It was the day of the trip, it was about an hour or two away. My dad rented us a big van that could fit everyone inside so we didn't have to worry about fitting everyone in a small car. I woke up at 10:00. I got ready make sure my bags were packed and threw them in the car. I had a playlist filled songs that everyone put in and set it up. 10:30 I picked up Tyrone, he lived down the street from me. 10:45, I picked up Alya and Jonesy. Jonesy was sleeping over Alya's house so it was easy to get them both. 11:00 I picked up Lazurus, he sat in the front with me. Jonesy and Alya were in the middle seats. Tyrone was sitting next to them. 11:25. We picked up Wesley and Laila. They sat in the back seats.

   After talking and joking around an hour later we were quiet. I was focused on the road everyone had their headphones in or talking softly. Lazarus I'm pretty sure Is asleep. Tyrone kept complaining so he got control of the music for awhile.
"Can I play something?"
Alya asked
"No. I'm in control of the music."
Tyrone responded
"What? But you've been in control for soooo long! I wanna listen to my songs."
Alya argued.
"Yeah Tyrone's songs are getting annoying. And sometimes he doesn't even play music, he scares us with memes.."
Jonesy rolled her eyes.
"JAYYYYYY can I please be in control of the music?"
Alya requested
"I don't care."
I rolled my eyes.
"She doesn't care which means that I stay in control."
Tyrone demanded
Alya shouted
"Huh? What's going on?"
Lazarus woke up.
"Look what you guys did, you woke up Laz."
I said glaring at them from the review mirror.
"Hey, don't pin this on me, that was all Tyrone."
Alya took the phone from Tyrone and started playing her own songs.
"Hey! That's not fair, JAY SHE STOLE THE PHONE FROM ME."
Tyrone tried stealing the phone back
"Hey, can you guys calm down? Just let her have the phone."
Jonesy pulled Tyrone off of Alya.
"Thanks babeee"
Alya kissed Jonesy and continued scrolling through songs.
"Literal children."
I sighed.

   We were almost there. the car suddenly started going out of control. We crashed right next a sign that said, 'Cougar Creek: 3 miles away'
"Uhhh what just happened?"
Tyrone asked
"Uh... I don't know... the car was just working perfectly fine.."
I said. Alya paused the music and me and Lazarus got out of the car. I opened up the front and smoke came out.
"Huh? But everything was fine a minute ago. What do you think happened?"
I looked over at Lazarus.
"I'm not sure... do you want me to call?"
He asked, I nodded my head. he called as I got back in the car. I checked the time, 1:45. I was hoping to be there by 2 at the latest.
I sighed.
"Jay, is everything okay?"
Alya asked
"Yeah... we are just gonna have to wait for someone to come and help us."
I said.

  Awhile later, AAA came. He came out and I got out of the car. Time was 2:23.
A man with dark skin and black hair came up to me. He was wearing a AAA T shirt and black pants.
"Hey, what happened?"
The man said.
"I'm not sure, everything was working perfectly fine then all the sudden I lost control."
I got out of the car and showed him to the front there was a bunch of smoke.
"Hm, I can fix this up right now, the name is Greg by the way."
He held out his hand.
"Oh hey Greg, I'm Jaylyn."
I shook his hand.
"Looks like you got quite the crew. Where are you guys headed?"
He asked. I pointed to the sign. I saw his smile fade.
"Cougar Creek? I haven't been there in years... I don't even remember the last time I was there. I'll fix this up for you and you guys will be on your way."
He didn't say anything after that. I just said thanks and I sat back in the car.
"He wasn't flirting was he?"
Lazarus asked.
"What? No."
"I'm just saying I saw that look on his face."
He glared at Greg.
"Calm down. He's not my type."
I said
He layed back in his seat.
I sighed.
Greg got the car fixed, I tipped him and we were on our way, again. I checked the time, 2:50

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