Chapter Six

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  We were really enjoying ourselves. We caught some pretty impressive fish and even the people who didn't even like fishing loved it.
"Oh my godddd stop bringing up that time I got stuck in the bathtub, I don't want to talk about it!"
Jonesy yelled
"It was Karma! You made fun of me cuz I couldn't even get in the bathtub, you couldn't even get out!!"
I laughed
"Ok ok I get it!"
Jonesy was getting close the the edge.
Alya screamed while watching Jonesy Misstep and fall into the water.
Alya finished her sentence while rushing over to see if he was ok. Everyone was laughing so hard.
"Jonesy are you okay?"
Alya helped him out of the water.
"Uhm guys... look!"
Lazurus pointed out. There was a trail of blood in the water.
"What the fuck...."
Wesley said under his breath.
"Ok... we should leave."
Alya said
"No kidding!"
Laila said we got our things together and we started running back to camp. We heard this weird growl behind us and we ran faster.
We ran up the stairs. Jonesy was the in the back. As we got inside something grabbed jonesy's leg from down the stairs.
Alya screamed trying to grab his hand. There were gunshots and that creature ran away.
"Oh my god.. are you okay?"
Alya asked. They were both sitting on the stairs. Jonesy was out of breath and in disbelief. Someone emerged from the bushes wearing army type clothing and a shot gun. He looked familiar.
"Oh my god... GREG?!"
I yelled
"Shhh shh.... It might come back. Yes it's me. Hurry get inside now."
Greg rushed us inside. We sat in the living room. Jonesy has a warm towel on him and he has some hot chocolate.
"You mind explaining to us WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING."
Wesley yelled.
"What was that thing, and what are you doing out here?"
I asked
"Don't you work for AAA."
Alya mentioned.
Greg sighed.
"When I heard you folks were going to ol' couger creek, I had to follow you. You see, it started off as a summer camp."

Summer July 1988

"You ready for the big day Robert?"
Lauren asked.
"It's been my dream ever since a kid to run my own summer camp. I couldn't have done it with you."
Robert smiled at Lauran pulling her closer and kissing her on the lips. There was a knock on the door. Robert was wearing a white T shirt saying "couger creek summer camp" while also wearing jeans. Lauren was wearing a white summer dress with yellow flowers. Lauran had crimped blonde hair. Robert had black hair.
"That must be the counselors!"
Lauran gestured towards the door. Robert walked over and opened the door.
"You must be... mr Smith?"
A short teenager with black hair and a side pony tail asked.
"Yes, are you one of my counselors?"
Robert asked
"My name is Nancy, my friends are down there. They made me come up here."
Nancy rolled her eyes.
"I like your enthusiasm, I'll show you around the camp."
Robert smiled and walked down the stairs. There were 3 other teenagers there for counselors. 2 girls, 2 boys.
"This is my boyfriend, Micheal."
Nancy walked over to him. He was wearing a jacket with black pants. He also had black hair.
"This is my bestie, Stephanie"
She had blonde hair and she was matching with Nancy with her side pony tail. Both of the girls were wearing crop tops with tight skirts and leg warmers.
"And that's her boyfriend Adam."
He was wearing a plain T shirt with jeans. He had brown hair.
"Nice to meet you all."
Robert looked at all of them with excitement.
"Not to be Rude Mr. S, you look a little young to be running a Summer camp."
Micheal snickered
"Ha ha, I'm actually in my mid 30's. I've been working on this project to a very long time. I don't really look my age, do I?"
Robert laughed.
"Where's the rest of the crew mr S?"
Adam asked.
"The kids will be arriving tomarrow, today is just to show you guys around, show you the schedule, and show who's going to be in charge of what. Sounds like a plan?"
Robert ignored the question.
"How many kids will be arriving sir?"
Stephanie asked
"I don't know... about 50?"
Robert started walking following a trail.
"Follow me, I'm going to show you where the kids will be sleep."
Everyone started following Robert. He brought them to where there was small cabins in a circle. In the middle of the circle was a big tree with a speaker on it. Next to the tree was a flag that said "cougar creek"

Present time

"Wait wait wait... so where's that part of the camp now?"
Jonesy asked.
"After this place closed down most of it got destroyed. Turn this main cabin into a stupid air bnb."
Greg scoffed.
"Let him get back to the story!"
Laila said

Summer July 1988

After showing us where the cabins for the children was, he brought us to a separate area similar to it.
"This is where you guys will be staying. Over there there is an announcement booth."
Robert said
"This is pretty impressive mr smith."
Nancy commented
"Want me to show you the best part?"
Robert brought them to a river. He followed it down to a breathtaking lake. It had a dock with some canoes next to it. There was a stand for extra canoe's and some ore's.

Present time.

"That's where we went fishing!"
Jonesy said
"Way to point out the obvious..."
I rolled my eyes.

Summer July 1988

"That's a really pretty view."
Stephanie stared in awe at the trees that fit perfectly with the sky in the distance.
"Lucky for you, this is where you'll be spending most of your time Stephanie."
Robert smiled at her.
"Wait really?!"
Stephanie said
"You are a life guard right? I figured you would be the best person working near the water helping the kids with the canoes."
Robert said
"Can I stay with her here?"
Adam pulled Stephanie close.
"No actually if you follow me back to camp."
Robert walked back near where the kids cabin's are and pointed at some targets.
Adam yelled. Everyone laughed.
"No no no! If you look over there there is some bow and arrows. You're going to be in charge of this."
Robert showed them over to where the equipment was.
"You are really good at aiming..."
Stephanie said.
"What will we be doing Mr S?"
Micheal asked.
Robert led them into a big cabin with only one floor. When they entered it was a mess hall. There were lots of tables and an area to cook food.
"Nancy will be in here cooking, and doing arts and crafts. Micheal, you will be in the announcement room. The place I showed you earlier. You'll mostly be in charge of everything. Especially when I'm not around."
Robert said
"Really? You trust HIM?"
Adam laughed
"Don't think too low of him. Im sure he'll be able to do it."
Nancy said
"Micheal, from what I've see from the other applications yours seems the most trusted one. Not saying that you guys all lied but saying that he seems like someone who is very trustworthy."
Robert said.
"Gee mr S thank you!"
Micheal smiled.
"But no seriously him?!"
Adam is in disbelief.
"Why don't you guys go into the counselor cabins get settled there for the night. We can have a bomb fire celebration later."
Robert left them be.

Present time.

"Wait, so what did this cabin used to be? There's a lot of rooms, couldn't the counselors just stay here?"
Laila asked
"After they basically destroyed everything here. They added some extra rooms here so the town can get money from people staying here."
Greg said
"I'm so confused..."
Alya said
"Just let me finish the story... it'll make more sense."
Greg said

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