Chapter Ten

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   We were rowing for a while taking turns every little bit.
"Should we try calling someone? We can't row forever..."
I asked.
"Bro our phones are actually dead because of the water."
Alya pulled out her phone and water came pouring out.
"Oh right.."
I sighed.
"I hope Laila and Wesley died."
Alya put her phone down and crossed her arms. We felt something hit the canoe. It almost caused us to tip over.
"What was that?!"
Lazarus yelled. I looked over the water. I saw something swimming around circling our canoe. A claw came out and tried to scratch me but Lazarus pulled me back.
Alya yelled while looking over really far. It hit again and Alya fell in. She screamed.
Lazarus yelled. I tried to grab Alya's hand but the monster kept trying to pull her under. It hit the boat again and the it flipped over. I tried I flip it back over but it hit my head and the monster pulled me under. I tried to swim up but it kept pulling me down. I couldn't see anything no matter how hard I tried to open the eyes I couldn't. Lazarus pulled me out of the water and back into the canoe he managed to flip it back over. We got Alya back in and we were out of breath. It came out from the water and tried to get on the boat.  Alya stood up and grabbed the ore and started hitting it.
Alya screamed while kicking it back into the water. Alya sighed and sat back down. We started laughing.
"We should go."
Lazarus said. We started rowing again. We heard yelling and we saw a light in the distance.
Alya screamed. There was a decent sized boat with a light shining and a moter coming towards us. we yelled at it for their attention. It stopped next to us. There were 2 guys one dark skinned one light.
"Do you guys know Greg?"
They asked us.
"Yes! He saved us from those things."
I told. They helped us into the boat.
"Are any of you injured?"
They asked again. We looked around ourselves.
"Here take this just in case."
They threw a green small bottle at us.
"What's is this?"
Lazarus asked.
"It's an antidote so you don't turn into one of those things."
They replied.
"We're gonna bring you to our shelter across the water. You'll be safe there."
They started the boat and we were off.

   They brought us to a lake house with a porch and a dock. He docked the boat and we got off. He showed us to one big room with 2 beds.
"Sleep here for tonight we'll get you a car for a morning."
They left us alone.
"What do you think happened to Wes and Laila?"
Alya threw herself on the bed.
"Probably got Karma or something.."
I sat down on the other bed.
"What if they really didn't mean to leave us or something"
Alya questioned
"I mean... I don't know I doubt it. They changed a lot since last year. I barley recognize them. I didn't even want to invite them but I know they probably would have made a big deal about it or something."
I explained.
"Yeah but I would never had expected them to actually do that to us, it's sick."
Lazarus mentioned
"Who cares at this point? We made it out alive, they probably didn't."
I snickered
"I'm soooo exhausted..."
Alya yawned.
"All that drowning really tired me out.."
we all laughed. They got us extra clothes so we weren't sleeping in wet ones. We joked about everything to make us feel better and we layed down to sleep.

   It was the morning, the guys woke us up. They got us a rental car.
"You have this car for a week, take it to the closet dealer ship and bring back there and say the name Sebastian."
Alya ran over and pushed me away.
Alya screamed
"It's just your clothes or whatever they can be replaced."
Sebastian sighed
Alya violently started shaking him. He sighed and gestured us over to the boat.
"You guys wait here I'm going to get a gun or something to make sure that creature isn't still out there."
He left us alone. Alya sighed and sat down on the boat.
"So anyway guys, how was your day?"
Alya joked. He came back 10 minutes later. He started up the boat and we started going to the cabin.
"Couldn't we just drive there?"
Alya asked.
"This way is quicker."
Sebastian replied.

   It was about 10 minutes or so later when we arrived at a gas spot.
"What are we doing here?"
I asked.
"I need gas. Go inside maybe there's things you cuz protect yourself with."
He handed us some money and all 3 of us got off the boat and walked inside.
"So... what guys are you going to get?"
Lazurus asked.
I looked around. We started walking around looking for stuff.

   After a little bit of looking I got a baseball bat, Lazurus got a knife, and Alya got an axe.
"Who knew a gas station would have so many weapons"
Alya joked. When we walked out we saw Sebastian waiting. We did an epic pose. I was in front, Alya and Lazurus were behind me and we started posing.
"We are ready!"
I held my chin up. He just stared at us.
"This isn't some comedy movie, get in the boat let's go.
"What a buzz kill..."

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