Suits and Good ol' Tracksuits

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Clint unzipped his bag, which revealed his folded-up bow and a quiver of arrows inside. He pulled his tie off, threw away the blazer and then loosened the upper buttons of his shorts. He pulled out his weapon, and with a quick flick, the bow unfolded.

God, he loved doing that.

Clint moved to the window. He pressed his back against the wall and made sure not to let himself be visible to anyone looking in. He doubted Kazi would have abandoned his role just because of two arachnids duking it out. Chances were that he simply went to another floor and was staring down the scope of his gun.

Clint needed to flush him out permanently.

Carefully, Clint brought his hand to the bottom of the window. He then began to slowly raise it to bring as little attention. He took a quick peek outside and immediately saw a red light aimed directly at him. Clint quickly ducked out of the way right as the bullet hit the lower edge of the raised window.

Clint took a quick breath to steady himself. At least now he knew where the bastard was.

Without much trouble, he loaded a very special arrow into his bow. Then, he stepped directly into Kazi's line of fire and released the arrow.

The arrow travelled through the air and zoomed over Kazi's head, startling him and stopping him from taking the shot which would have killed an Avenger. The arrow hit the ceiling above him and as he looked up at it, for the briefest of moments, Kazi wondered if the legendary Hawkeye had missed his shot.

Then, the purple gas was released.

Clint smiled to himself as he leaned against the wall. He pressed his finger to the comm and asked, "Kate, where are you?"

"Outside," Kate answered as she marched out the front entrance, bow in hand, as panicked civilians ran around her. She briefly looked around and spotted some familiar outfits exiting some familiar vans.

"So are the Tracksuits," she added as she loaded up an arrow.

"Look! It's Kate Bishop!" One of them yelled and pointed to her.

"Congratulations asshole, you know how to use your eyes."

She aimed it at the first guy with a gun in his hand that she spotted and let it fly. The arrow was a basic one, and it hit his hand, causing him to scream in pain and drop to the floor. A guy in green tried to rush her but she just grabbed his arm and flipped him onto his back.

The third guy tried to fire his gun at close range, only for Kate to grab his arm and aim it away from herself while also painfully twisting it. She also used her bow to keep him back. Imagine her surprise when she realised that he was smiling at her.

"I know it's probably not the best time moment right now," he stuttered, "But I want to thank you, you know. For your advice, what you said how I should speak to my girlfriend."

Suddenly recognising the man, Kate grinned back at him and asked, "Did it work?"

"It worked, bro, we went to Maroon 5 instead," he said with a smile.

"That's so great! So what's with the gun?" Kate asked, her joy shifting to disappointment.

"I'm sorry, but..." he started to explain before Kate kicked him to the ground.

He seemed like a nice guy, but Kate didn't really have the time for frienemies.

Another bro tried foolishly to charge directly at her only to get an arrow to the foot which caused him to trip and smash his face into the pavement. That seemed to be the moment that her luck ended.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09 ⏰

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