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This is basically completely new stuff, I'm giving BACKSTORY GUYS. And I'm editing this story. I might get side tracked and forget but whatever lol. It's for the sake of the story. You guys didn't get any backstory besides a single paragraph before. If you've read this before than you know, if not, thank me.

Changing schools so late into the year is always terrifying, but I had to do it. My mom got a job in South Park, Colorado. The drive was a miserable one. Stuffed in the backseat with my Mom yelling at my dad in the front seat. The backseat had all the pillows, blankets, and snacks all over the place, only with enough room for me to fit. The drive was long and boring, with only an iPod 5 to distract me. The hours blended together with all the small naps I took over the course of 19 hours.

Waking up slighting each time the car was in park, I expected to be at another gas station but I was at a dark green two story house. Snow was covering the ground and the neighbors were all staring at our car. I rubbed my eyes as my mom opened the door, "Come on sweets we got to get our stuff inside so we can get some food. Get out and grab you suitcase and pillows," she said while motioning me to get up.

Upon walking in I realized the house was completely empty, "Mom? Where's all our stuff?" I spoke as she walked in with her stuff.

"The movers will have our stuff here soon, everything should be normal in a week or so. Go pick a room a put your stuff in it then we'll order pizza," she answered. By her command I ran up the stairs and looked through all the rooms. She followed behind me and went inside the biggest room to the left of the stairs and set her stuff down. Next to her room and the stairs, there was a bathroom. On the wall in-front of the stairs there were two rooms. The farthest room was a good size and had the view of our neighbors house, had a walk in closet and a good amount of space. The ideas of how to make this room mine flew through my head. The second room, right across from the stairs, was small with the window view of the garage. Closing that door, I turned and set my stuff into the first room.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (YOU ARE LIKE 12 GUYS!5th grade! Its supposed to be ugly! 5th grade me had no style and liked ugoy bright colors! Also the story is trying to represent someone that's the same age as South Park kids. Which means they are born in 1999! Aka they have 2000's style)

A week passes and everything was set up like a home. My room was painted a bright purple and my walls were covered in canvas I painted. My bed had pink, black, and zebra covered bedding and everything was normal for me. The room across from mine was already turned into a office of sorts for my dad, and the downstairs was set up close to what it used to be.

Now the only worry for me was school. My parents just woke me up and told me to get dressed. Throwing on my favorite sage green hoodie with dark green flowers lining the sleeve, regular black jeans, and black uggs I ran down-stairs. Looking up from her work, "Finally ready?"

"Yep," I squeaked out, excited for this new chance.

The car ride felt like it only took a second because after a few turns we pulled into South Park Elementary school. "Be on your best behavior, love you," my mom spoke as I got out of the car. I waved goodbye before turning and walking into school.

This is going to be different.


"This is Y/n, go ahead and introduce yourself," Mr. Garrison announced.

Looking around the class you spoke, "Hi! My names Y/n and I just came here from Rosetown (idk), I'm looking forward to making new friends!" At my last comment two people seemed intrigued.

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