Camp Larkin

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 (a/n: im gonna put charlies outfits at the top picture thingy .)


"And we're off" my dad announced like he has for the past 3 years. Every summer since we were 12 my twin brother, Cameron, and I have gone to 'Camp Larkin'. And everytime we start the journey the dad says the same thing.

"Charlie?" i took me earphones out


" I said, are you excited? your friends are going to be there again."

" They always are" I replied, remembering last year and all the things we did during the best summer of our lives. It was always a blast me, Cam, Jack, David, Sarah, Racetrack, Mush, Crutchy, Spot, Blink, and skittery. Course that's not their real name but we all made up for them, but Sarah and David's never really caught on.Anyway I'm just praying the Delancey brothers aren't back again.

—-- one long car journey later—--

"CHARLIE WAKE UP" my twin shouted in my ear

"Im awake, ya bastard" Muttering the last part quiet enough for my dad not to hear. As I got out of the car the blood rushed to my legs and the smell of pine wood filled my nose.

" Your bags madam, i'll see you soon honey, love you" dad remarked before kissing my forehead and getting back into the car and driving away.

After we sign in with the 2 camp councillors on a desk near the entrance, were greeted by Medda, the lovely lady who owns the joint ( well the mortgage ;) ) and puts up with almost 120 campers every summer.

" If it isn't the Dani twins"

"MEDDA" Cam and i both cheered, enthusiastically

"I think most of your usual gang is already here, just near the lake"

"Ok thank you Medda" Cam says practically dragging me towards the lake.

"ITS DA DANI'S" A familiar Manhattan accent shouted. They all have New York accents but this particular one came from the one and only Racetrack Higgins, a dark haired 16 year old boy and my partner in crime. I smiled as a pair of arms wrapped around me and a curly haired boy giggled from over my shoulder.

"Jeez Char, you gotten shorter?" Mush asked, resting his elbow on the top of my head.

"Oh can it You're only what, 4 inches taller than me."

Just then the Jacobs joined us and it was just one we were missing. The Spot Conlon who's probably fashionably late as usual.

We were all just catching up getting back into the swing of things until

" Well if it aint the most pathetic group in Camp Larkin" Spot. I turned around and

Woah. He's changed since last summer. He's tall, well taller than me now at least, muscular, and dare I say handsome. No he's just the same Spot you've seen every summer since you were 12. Yeah but now he's hot. No no he's not. Oh he's smoking and you know it. God dammit he's gorgeous.

"CHARLIE" Blink shouts at me snapping me out of my trance

"Oooo someone get Charlie a shovel, cause she diggin Spotty boy."

"Shut up Jack, I am not"

"She better not be"

"Its ok dollface, it's nothing to be ashamed of" the icy grey eyed boy winked at me wrapping his arm around my shoulder and shitting down next to me. Just for it to be knocked off by Cameron. Now everyone was here we started talking about our summer ahead.


It was good to be back with my friends. They've all changed alot since last summer but Charlies changed on a different kinda level. Granted she's still short but her curves must have come out this past year, her face is more refined as well, her jawlines sharper, lips are fuller my god her lips. Don't get me wrong she was always pretty, but god dammit she's gorgeous.

I can't help but attach myself to her every move, she tucked the front parts of her toffee hair behind her ear, the way she tilted her head back ever so slightly when she laughed, shes just per- shit Spot what's going on you don't get like this plus its not gonna happen. Just then the bell rang, signalling us all over to hear our cabin arrangement.

"Right, listen up for your cabin mates and number,

East side:

Cabin 1: Anthony Higgins, Nick Meyers and Thomas Conlon ( ik its Sean but what u gonna do about it , sew me)

Cabin 2: Louis Ballat, Michael Goojian (couldn't find Skitterys real name so have the actor, just as good) and Cameron Dani

Cabin 3: Sarah Jacobs, Charlie Dani, Elizabeth Schylur

Cabin 4: Jack Kelly, Charlie Morris and David Jacobs


Right now all o' ya go dump ya bags down and make ya way to the dining hall for pizza"

Finished councillor Joseph. And that's what we did.


We were all pretty much in the same cabin as last year. Elizabeth was in a cabin with Sarah and I last year and she's nice and funny but she tends to hang around a group of girls and not usually with us and the boys. When we got to the cabin the nostalgia came flooding back from last year, it hasn't changed. We threw all our bags on the bed and headed over to the dining hall which was basically just a massive cabin with loads of tables inside. 


word count: 886

hope you like the FIRST CHAPTER. soz about my awful grammar i tried lol 

ly, stay safe and seize the day.

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