The Smiths

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"Char Char wake up" Sarahs excited voice echoed in my ear, i looked at my clock. 2:47.

"The hell Sarah you crazy or something"

"Come on get up it's the first rain shower of camp, the boys are already up" no wonder she sounded like a kid on christmas, every year we've made it a tradition to go out on the first rainfall of the summer. I looked out the window and it was in fact raining, hard. I now had my eyes fully open and had blinked the sleep out of my eyes. Sarah was now waiting outside underneath the porch shelter, while waiting for me to put on my shoes.

Sarah and I ran to the parking lot as the rain soaked our hair and pyjamas and by the looks of it the boy hadn't bothered changing either. I loved the rain, especially here. It's never cold and miserable, it's warm and refreshing like hot tub water. The sound of the soft breeze in the tree and the raindrops hitting the ground. And I'm here at camp, the camp, my camp with my favourite people.

Soon enough we were dancing to the music player Jack had bought from his cabin, chasing each other , reminiscing on past summers.

"Ey, Kid watch a real man do it" mush announced before doing what looked like a backflip into a round off.

"meh , that was a'ight" Blink replied seemingly unimpressed before doing the same but with a cartwheel at the end. This competition carried out for quite a while with some of the others occasionally joining in and shouts and laughs erupted every time someone else did an imposing stunt. Around 2 hours later the group started to disperse, and although I didn't see them leave, Jack and Sarah had left. Davey left with Crutchy and Skittery and after slipping for the last time blink, race and mush walked back to their cabins.

After what i thought was everyone left i decided to lay on the concrete to embrace the rain, which had started to calm down now. I closed my eyes letting the water envelop my already wet body and as I did I felt something lay down next to me. I tilted my head to see Spot looking at me with a faint smirk on his face.

"I thought you'd gone inside"

"Nah, not tired" there was a few moments of comfortable silence before he said again, "may i have this dance" he got up onto his feet and held out his hand, as he pulled me up to stand with him the chorus of There Is a Light That Never Goes Out by The Smiths started playing. I suddenly became very aware of how close we were when his arms wrapped round my waist and mine around his neck brushing against his soaked hair. His eyes were full of life and I felt as if time could stop and although it didn't it was just me and him, and it wasn't forced. It was easy as if we were like puzzle pieces that perfectly fit together.

"To die by your side, Is such a heavenly way to die"

his hand reached into my tangled hair, messing with the ends. The rain was dying down now, however not completely.He brought one hand off my back and suddenly spun me in time with the music to which i could help but laugh at which caused him to give a matching slight laugh. After returning to our soft sways I couldn't help but get lost in his eyes. I did not just think that, oh my days what's this boy doing to me. The song ended and I found myself leaning closer and closer to his lips and it looked like he was too. Don't kid yourself Charlie of course he wasn't.

A familiar voice snapped us both out of our trance,

"shush someone might hear you"

"I dont care"

"I'll see you tomorrow, Cowboy" The voices were far away through the cabins, barely loud enough for us to hear.

"We should probably go get some sleep" i spoke

"Yeah" he said with a hint of disappointment

Once he walked me back to my cabin we said goodnight and I changed out of my wet clothes, got into bed and i couldn't help but think about Spot. Was he really leaning in or am I just being stupid?


word count:728 

Hey my loves im so sorry for not posting ive had such bad writers block. remember that knee surgery i tol you about, yeah well a couple weeks later i dislocated my other knee so now i might have to have another surgery on the other knee but atleast that means more updates. anyway i want to thank ThatFirstSummer2023 for being so sweet and giving me the motivation xx

ly, stay safe and seize the day

A Summer To Remember // A Spot Conlon auWhere stories live. Discover now