Late Night chats

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(a/n: almost all of the outfits are from my own wardrobe sorry if you dont like them)


After pizza we all went back to the cabin for the night, ready for a busy day tomorrow. Once in the cabin we put our pyjamas on and got into our beds.

"So you two got eyes for anyone yet" Sarah broke the silence

"No i've got a boy back home"

"Aww we love a loyal queen, meanwhile Charlie over here is definitely a how for Spot"

"Spot Conlon? I swear he was like 5'2 last year"

"He was but he's well tall now, and no i am not" i announce redirecting my glare to Sarah

"C'mon Char this is a safe space" Sarah says motioning her hands out in a circle making Eliza and i chuckle.

"Fine i guess he kinda good looking"

"I knew it" and "aww" came from the directions of the other two girls' beds.

" Ok but i think we should talk about how jack was totally fawning over sarah a dinner"

"He was not"

" he so was"

"Ok even if he was, why would he get with me anyway" obviously liking the idea but underestimating her own beauty.

"Are you kidding me you're stunning, plus you got like a heart of gold"

"she's not wrong" i add

"Thanks but I don't think anything could happen." Sarah concluded before changing the subject.After the conversation and giggling died down there was only one thing on my mind, or person.



When we all got back to the cabin, I took my shirt off ready to sleep. And i was starting to drift when i was hit square in the head with a tennis ball

"Ah watch it" I warn Race as he has a stupid smirk on his face

"Sorry lover boy"

"What are you on about?"

"Oh come on don't pretend you weren't all smitten ova Charlie today" Mush pipes up with an all knowing look

"Oh please" i say to which the both just give me a side eye, "fine she's gorgeous you can't deny it but that don't me I'm fallin for 'er"

"We'se never said you'se is fallin for 'er, you added that bit yaself" Shit. They both just laugh as I stare at the ceiling. Am I falling for Charlie Dani?

"Cams gonna kill 'im" Race snickers before turning off the light and going to sleep.


word count: 387

Is he falling for charlie?

ly, stay safe and seize the day 

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