Uncle Race

25 2 14


When i got into the dinner hall this morning I instantly saw our table, which was really two tables pushed together. As I sat down everyone seemed to be agreeing with something whilst Race was on the counter argument.

"Whats going on" i asked Spot in a hushed tone

"We're convincing Racey he's losing his memory"

"What.. how?" 2 seconds into the conversation and I was already holding in my laughter and failing.

"This morning we just thought it would be funny to move his stuff about the we came in here, told 'em about it and now everyones in on it. Well apart from Jack and Sarah who-" he paused briefly looking around, "don't seem to have joined us yet" A playful smirk was evident on his face, the same one that was always there. It wasn't quite a smile but it wasn't a scowl either, his lips quirked up in a mischievous way that was sort of subtle and perfect and real. However his smile is far superior, the happiness is always palpable in his smile and the laugh that accompanied it was the perfect volume. It was never loud or obnoxious, just gentle and pleasant , which is somewhat surprising due to his king of Brooklyn ego.

Wait, where is Sarah? She left the cabin to where I assume was the dinner hall but if she isn't here with us where would she be and who would she be with the only one of our friends that isn't with us right now is Jack, would they be together? I mean they're obviously into each other. Maybe they've realised their undying love for one another and run off to England together. Okay yeah that might be a bit of a stretch.

Soon enough my questions were answered by Sarah walking through the entrance and over to the buffet with Jack trailing behind her like a lost puppy. I noticed whilst they were at the fruit station Jack whispered in her ear leaving Sarah in a blushing fit.

"I definitely did- oh hey char i didn't see ya"

"Mornin' Racer"

"So what on the agenda today?" Blink perked up

"ARCHERY BABYYY" jack announced jumping over the benches and over to a spear place in between Skittery and dave

"WHOOHHH" Skittery retaliated just as enthusiastically. Soon enough sarah sat down next to me with the two trays of food shed been left with, as she handed it to jack she muttered,"You're welcome"

"Thanks babe- Sarah"

After the pair sat down, conversation proceeded as usual.

|||Time skip|||

Once we got to the archery range, we all grabbed a bow and 7 arrows. Turns out archery isn't as easy as i thought and the bow felt like i was holding a tree trunk... okay that might have been an exaggeration but it was heavy.

'Here lemme help" spot said walking behind me

" erm i don't need your help thank you very much" i retaliated

"Gowan then" he replied expectantly. I went to draw back the arrow and shoot and as i did the arrow soared directly into the ground about two metre in front of us.

"Look, just draw it back and-" he whispered in my ear as he positioned himself behind me with his hands on mine and his chest against my back.



Suddenly, as I whipped my head around to smile at him, I realised exactly how close we were and I was now very aware of my every move. I couldn't help but stare at him and he was staring back, he was definitely staring back and it wasn't my imagination. It wasn't the stare that people do when there is something on your face but it was a stare full of emotion and quite frankly it made me extremely flustered.

A Summer To Remember // A Spot Conlon auWhere stories live. Discover now