The lake

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a/n: thank you everyone who has read ly


This morning I woke up to the sun peaking through the curtains and Sarah's soft breathing. About 5 minutes later Elizabeth's alarm went off waking the other two and signalling all of us to get up ready for the day ahead. After brushing my teeth and doing the usual morning necessities I started to lace up my timberland boots then waited for the others to finish getting ready, which wasn't long after.

"Ready?" Sarah announced in her familiar perky voice

"I'm just waiting for you"

"Let's go then" Eliza said walking past us and out the cabin

Once we were in the main field Eliza separated from us and we went to find the boys, who were playing a quick game of cards whilst eating breakfast. We stopped by their table on our way up to the buffay to say hi but before we could walk away jack stopped us and said,

"Sarah, i actually got you some pancakes already" to which Davey just rolled his eyes and sarah blushed a bright pink

"Thanks Jack, I'm just gonna go get an apple juice with Char, well be back in a minute."

Once we had walked away from the table i sent sarah a wink and said,

"He got you pancakes, no one ever gets me pancakes"

"I know, but maybe he was just being nice"

"Oh shut up do you see me with pancakes in front of me and a knife and fork in my hand"

"That's true... oh my god Charlie what is happening"

"Dunno but i think this is going to be a summer to remember"

After getting my food and a couple of drink Sarah made our way back to the table.

"Want me ta deal you goils in?"

I look at sarah and said, "yeah go on then, as long as you're prepared to loose"

"Alright alright" my brother replied, with an existing soft smile.


We were on our way over to the lake when I heard the boys giggling behind us and almost instantly my feet were in the air and i was slung over Spots shoulder and he was running down the lake dock.

"SPOT PUT ME DOWNNN" I screamed my voice in a higher pitch than I had intended it to be.

"Sorry about this dollface" he said back before jumping into the lake whilst bringing me with him. The water wasn't too cold but cold enough for it to be refreshing on a hot summer day like today. When I resurfaced I wiped my eyes to see all our friends laughing like hyenas. I looked around for Spot and he was about 2 centimetres away from me. Oh my god. Butterflies were erupting in my stomach and he wrapped his right arm around my waist, making me increasingly more flustered but I tried not to show it.

"You're an asshole, you know that right?"

"I'se did say sorry" to that i just rolled my eyes and laughed. Suddenly a massive splash completely engulfed the both of us. And just like we were all swimming in the lake and messing about, Spot unlatched his arm from around me and jumped on Jack's back dragging him under, "ayy bone 'ead "Jack called Spot before pushing him under. Sarah and I got on our brothers shoulders and decided we were gonna have a chicken fight. As I was pushed on top of the water the soft breeze grazed my wet skin and the sunbeam onto my shoulders.

"3...2...1... CHICKEN FIGHT '' Blink announced before Cam and Davey ran towards each other and Sarah and I tried to push each other back into the water. After about 3 minutes I ultimately won and pushed Sarah into the water below.

We spent around 3-4 hours in the lake, fighting, playing, flipping,laughing and keeping ourselves entertained. It was around midday when we started getting hungry and began to get out the water. Whilst drying my hair, i flipped it and it hit a shirtless Spot

"You were really hopin that were me,weren't ya?"

"Yeah" i giggle and he just laughed and said,"c'mon the others have already started walking back" so we started to walk, we both had our shirts in our hands i had my bikini top on but its was already starting air dry unlike my dripping top. Spot's wasn't wet but he probably just liked showing his perfectly tanned muscles. Not that i was complaining. What? Nothing. The sun was directly above us and hotter than ever, it had given me a nice tan though so i certainly didn't care. We talked about anything we could think of before falling into a comfortable silence. I could see him staring at me with his gorgeous grey eyes but I didn't dare look at him.

Once we got to the dining hall, everyone else had already gotten a table and me and Spot joined them. Not long after we sat down my brother piped up, "Jeez Char, put some clothes on" to which I wrung my soaking top on his almost dry hair, causing everyone else to laugh. 


word count: 842

soz i didnt post i had knee surgery, but can we talk abt the little chalie and spot interactionnnn

ly,stay safe and seize the day

A Summer To Remember // A Spot Conlon auWhere stories live. Discover now