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After Sarah told me and Jack and her feelings toward him, we decided we wanted to get the whole group together again so we went round asking who's down to have a non-sleep-sleepover.

"Spot, hey" I called , running to where Spot was seated, skimming stones and sipping on a bottle of coke. He must have been deep in thought because his eyes widened as he saw me.

"Hey trouble"

"Listen, me and sarah are seeing who wants to come over tonight, you in?"

"Sure who else is going?"

"Erm Jack, Race, Blink, Crutchie, Dave, Mush and we havent asked Skittery yet but we will"

"Okay sounds fun" he smirked taking another sip

"The only problem is we dont have snacks"

"We could go get some now, i know theresa gas station like a two minute walk from here"

"Yeah alright lemme just go get some money"

"Dont worry about it, i can pay" before i can deny his offer he gets up

"Race you to the gate" and with that he darts off getting a head start. But i catch up to him within seconds and were running side by side until i pass him as we reach the entrance. After stopping we make eye contact before bursting intp fits of laguthe.

"Damn girl youre faster than i remember" he laughed in that accent i cant get enough of. We composed ourselves and started off down the road.

Half way down the road some grown man shouted out his ca window about what a fun time we,d have if he took me home which made me uncomfortable and Spot instantlygrasped my hand, holding it with an inch of his like whilst telling the man to suck a dick as he drove off Soon enough we got to the gass station and together we walked down each aisle collecting snacks with his protective arm around my waist. After a while the flush onmy face disappeared and the comfort of his arm holding me started to feel natural. It was only when Spot tool him arm away to pay that i missed the warmth, I dont know what it is about him, maybe the way he smell, the way he speaks or the way he holds me but i want him to stop.

Jesus who am i, this is the same Spot Conlon we're talking about. Stupid, arrogant, handsome, childish, handsome, irresponsible, handsome. Hes also one of my bestfriends, but i wish we were so much more than that.

Oh shit, I really like Spot Conlon.

On the way back to camp I couldn't help but hyperfixate on every little thing he did. When he grasped my waist to put me further from the road, my heart skipped a beat or when i was yapping his ear off about how great a sport f1 is and he just smiled and looked to be completely and utterly engrossed in everything i was saying or when he caught me staring and just smirked and winked. He knew exactly what he was doing and I was falling head over heel for it. But i didn't mind at all.


word count: 513

hello my lovelies, i hope you're doing amazing and aren't to annoyed about the inconsistency with the updates. But its nearly christmas and this is most likely the last update before the new year because i have lots of festivities coming up but i'll try my absolute hardest as always. I was also wondering about doing a different Spot Conlon story but that actually set around the news boys strike, but don't get your hopes up because as we all know i'm not the best when it comes to publishing. Anywho hope you enjoyed this little chapter

ly,stay safe and seize the day xx

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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