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aislin amore !

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aislin amore !

© j4nu4ry_v4lent1ne, 2023

© j4nu4ry_v4lent1ne, 2023

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━━━━━━━━  prologue !

humanity defeated or warded them away with iron, so the faeries became weaker, but still, a force to be reckoned with. in some tales, they live on earth. in others, they live in another plane or dimension that humans can rarely enter. faeries differ in their description: sometimes they are dead, gods, demigods, spirits, or halfway-fallen angels. many believe faeries traded their souls to the devil in return for their powers, making faeries as a whole soulless and ignorant beings. 

such tales were ones aislin amore had grown up hearing when she stayed in the mortal lands. when she was taken to the faerie lands, she had only thought it was a dream. though, stolen was still the word she preferred throughout all the twelve years stayed had been here. she quickly realised how little was known about these creatures once she had arrived. sometimes depicted as angel-like beings, or at times made into monsters, the humans had only been right with their second speculation.

faeries, faes, the monsters under her bed at night, the sole reason she had never slept comfortably and without fear, were the root of her nightmares. she never knew why they came nor why they took her. just that one day everyone stopped referring to her as a changeling child. there were a lot of questions that came to her about her childhood and her background in general but she hadn't dared to ask anyone, especially the people that took her. she knew to never make the same mistake twice and when she had been screamed at with her fake mother's ear-splitting screech when asking to go home shortly after she had arrived, she understood that in order to survive in these lands she needed to be silent and just follow whatever she was told to do.

━━━━━━━━ present !

as a child, i imagined returning to the mortal world. i would rehash what it was like there, recalling the scents of fresh-cut grass and gasoline, reminiscing overplaying tag through neighbourhood backyards and bobbing in the bleachy chlorine of summer pools. i dreamed of iced tea, reconstituted from powder, and orange juice popsicles. i longed for mundane things: the smell of hot asphalt, the swag of wires between streetlights, the jingles of commercials.

now, having long forgotten that desire, all i long for is faerieland with raw intensity. the magic i am so captivated by, the fear i feel walking through the corridors of the gloomy place known as hollow hall, it is exciting. although most days, i feel as though i am dreaming away my days, restless, never fully awake. sometimes, i wake up not remembering the events of the day before. more commonly when i had just been bought to elfhame but sometimes on rare occasions even to this day.

━━━ 🧸🎀💌
izuki's corner ::

first chapter !! what do we think 😬😬😬

im going to be completely honest... i have no plot for this book so if updates are like kinda slow that's why. it's fine i'll figure it out soon... (hopefully 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽)

i just knew i wanted to make a cardan x oc book tbh but when i do think of a plot it'll be really good but also wanna say sorry ig??? bc this isn't a x reader. and i'll js give two reasons why.

first of all, y/n js kinda puts me off but if you want your name use a pov changer extension. i know that may seem a little hypocritical since i have a few y/n books but that was from two years ago so !! and second reason being that it's just easier to describe the character and everything in general if i have a clear picture of who the person is. but yeah, anyways i hope you enjoy 🤗🤗🤗

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