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paranoid !

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paranoid !

© j4nu4ry_v4lent1ne , 2023

© j4nu4ry_v4lent1ne , 2023

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━━━━━━━━ I DONT KNOW how long i sleep. all i know is that it's a long time. everything hurts. there's a hot, raw pain in my belly, and my head is pounding.

when i wake, i am afflicted with a powerful thirst. i stumble out of bed, disoriented. several candles burn around the room. by that light, i can tell that i am in my chambers at the hollow hall and that i am alone.i find a pitcher of water and bring it to my lips, not bothering with a glass. i drink and drink and drink, until finally i am satisfied.

i am still confused about the events of yesterday. i remember cardan and my rage. then, i remember my foolishness of getting caught in his trick, how he made a fool out of me and how he had poisoned me.

i roll back onto the mattress and try to think over what's happened. it feels like a fever dream. i can't stay in bed any longer. ignoring the aches in my body, i head to the bathing room. the tub is filled, and when i touch it, the water shimmers as my fingers trail through it. there's a chamber pot for me to use as well, something for which i am immensely grateful. i gingerly peel off my clothes and get into the bath, scrubbing with my nails so the water can wash away the grime and crusted dirt of the last several days. i scrub my face and wring out my hair. when i emerge, i feel much better.

tiana, a human servant with long ears, stops in the hallwhen she sees me. she's carrying a tray of fruit. "oh, you're awake," she says, grinning with her teeth. even though she is no threat, for a second i feel like tiana's teeth could snap off my whole hand. i'm paranoid, i decide and that its nothing more. i nod. 

"the prince is asking for you downstairs."cardan? my expression turns into one of panic. i can't think. only he would have this much boldness in him after the events of yesterday.

"where?" tiana looks surprised by my reaction. "in the ━"i head down the stairs, intent on giving cardan a piece of my mind. i'll never belong at the court. i have come to terms with the fact now. so, i have no care in the world about what my actions may lead to in the long run.

━━━ 🧸🎀💌
izuki's corner ::

shits ab to go down from the next chapter. be prepared. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💯💯💯‼️‼️‼️

i'm so sorry for not updating, i had exams i have them again in 3 weeks. like wth they only js finished but it wont delay updates, i swear. 🗣️🗣️🗣️

again, i did take real wording from the actual series for parts of this but from next chapter, it's going to be 💯% of only my original writing 🫡🫡🫡

sorry for the extremely short chapter i just wanted to get smth out so i can work on the next chapter for u guys without feeling guilty for not updating for even longer 😞😞😞

cute little hint for the next chapter, it won't be dain who comes to see her 🤭🤭🤭

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