・゜3. ゜・ *

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"I was worried about you. " Jikyo said as he sat next to Liliana under a tree in the park. "What happened? " He looked at her with concern. "You look bad. "

Redhead smiled at his words.

"This is not how you should compliment girls. " She looked at him and he just shook his head but couldn't hide his smile. "I'm fine. " She added and leaned against a tree trunk.

"If you want to talk... "

"No. " She stopped him and closed her eyes, sighing heavily. "I want to rest. "

Park watched her for a moment and then leaned against a tree himself and closed his eyes. The young people sat there in silence, wanting to enjoy the momentary peace.

"Have you ever tried to please your parents? " Wilkinson asked suddenly. "Meet their expectations? Prove that you're worth something and live your life your way, not as someone tells you? "

The boy glanced at his companion, who had also opened her eyes, but both of them were still leaning against the tree trunk.

"I didn't have time for that. " He replied after a long time. "My parents died when I was ten years old. "

Lily glanced at him, then looked down sadly.

"I'm sorry..." She said sincerely.

Jikyo only nodded, then sighed and looked up at the sky, looking at the clouds. Redhead glanced at him again, then moved closer and rested her head on the black-haired man's shoulder, which caught his attention. He didn't mind, he just made sure she was comfortable.

"Tell me... " He began after a moment. "You don't like drinking alcohol at all, do you?" He glanced at her. "You don't like smoking or partying either." He added confidently, and his words greatly surprised his companion.

The young woman rose for a moment to look Jikyo in the eyes.

"How did you come to that? " She asked surprised.

Jikyo just smiled at her.

"The last time you had those drinks, I saw your face. You hate the taste of them, you can barely get it down your throat. " He said, and she listened carefully. "Smoking is also hard for you, every time you do it, you wrinkle your nose and make a grimace on your face. " He said. "You don't like to party or be the center of attention. Loud music bothers you and you don't like that atmosphere. "

"E-eh... " Lily was shocked, she didn't expect his words.

The more the woman was surprised by it, because it was the honest truth, and Jikyo was the only one who noticed it right away.

"You do all this because of your parents, right? " He guessed.

Liliana looked down and then thought for a moment, sighing heavily. After a while, she returned to her previous position and rested her head on Jikyo's shoulder.

"You're right..." She admitted timidly. "From the very beginning, my parents instilled in me what to do and how to fulfill their dreams, which they failed to fulfill. I was supposed to be perfect. Idol, role model. " She lowered her head. "At first I did as I was told, but then I got fed up with it. " She admitted. "It was too much for me. They were tormenting me with all this, and like a fool I believed that thanks to this they would start in any way to... "

"Love you? " Jikyo finished for her, to which she nodded.

"When I stopped listening to them, they started bothering me even more. " She continued. "Finally, I had had enough of everything. I began to do everything that they forbade me and that they themselves didn't like. First, I started by focusing on studying biology and chemistry, not the subjects they wanted so much. Then I started going to music lessons... I learned to play the violin, and when I was dissuaded from doing that, I studied secretly at home, from my books. My parents hate music, it's a big obstacle for them. " She sighed. "Then I went bad more... Nothing changed their minds. Whether I listened to them or not... They never changed so I just decided to ignore it. I started drinking and smoking more often... " She said with disgust. "They were taking my money, so I found another way to earn extra money. "

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