・゜9. ゜・ *

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Three weeks later.

Liliana left the hospital after a long time and stayed with Jikyo at the Walker house. The young woman locked herself in her room and hardly left it. Jikyo then entered her former home and took the rest of her belongings.

"You come in like yourself. " Sheree snorted as she watched Park finish packing Lily's clothes. "Remember she's not to come back here." She added firmly. "That's all your problem. We don't want her here. Neither her nor the brat you'll have. "

After the tragic event, more news reached Lily. It turned out that Wilkinson was pregnant. As soon as her parents found out about this, they immediately announced that there was no reason for her to return home. There's no place for her or the baby there. Judson and Sheree thought it was Lily and Jikyo's baby. They didn't really believe the whole thing. They doubted every word they said.

"Once was enough, you don't have to repeat it over and over again." Jikyo said and zipped his backpack. "You've hurt Lily enough already." He looked sternly at Liliana's mother. "Don't worry, you won't see her again." He passed her in the doorway.

"Wait. " She called suddenly and he stopped and looked at her over his shoulder.

Sheree hesitated for a long time. Park didn't know if she had run out of words or if she was gathering her thoughts to tell him something.

"Take care of her. " She said in a barely audible voice.

These words shocked Jikyo. Man turned to look at her, but she avoided his gaze. Judging by her reaction, she wasn't planning on adding anything else, so Park just nodded.

"I will. " He assured her and left the house.

When Lily found out she was pregnant, she really didn't know what to do. The first thought that came to her mind was to abort the baby. But later, she started to think about it more, and Jikyo's words made her think again. Park assured her that if she decided to have a baby, he would help her and that they would raise the baby together. Wilkinson knew that the little one was not to blame. She had never been in a situation like this before, so she was hesitant to make a decision.

Redhead was sitting on the bed, her back against the wall. Her legs were curled up and she rested her hands on them, lost in thought.

She remembered that terrible night again, and a moment later she saw the scene from the hospital where her parents announced that she had no reason to go home.

"Don't come back to us. " Judson said sternly. "You have no reason to come back here. You no longer have a home. You and him..." He glanced at Jikyo standing by Lily. "You guys deserve each other, and this brat... That's your problem. " He left the room, dragging Liliana's mother, Sheree, with him.

Wilkinson had never liked being in her old home, but now knowing she had lost it for good, whether she wanted it or not, was killing her. She felt a great emptiness and loss. She didn't know what to do. She felt that she was losing ground again, she felt that she was falling into darkness and no one would save her from there. But she was wrong. Jikyo was always by her side and saved her from trouble.

The red-haired girl got up after a while and walked over to the window, then sighed heavily. A second later she heard a knock on the door.

"It's me. " Jikyo spoke from the other end. "I brought the rest of your things." He said, still standing outside the door.

Lily listened to his words, then walked to the door and stood beside it.

"I know you probably don't want to talk to anyone. " Park said, then sat down on the floor and leaned his back against the door. "But know that I'm here and I'll sit here with you."

Wilkinson also sat down on the floor and leaned her back against the door. Woman could see Jikyo's shadow and a piece of his clothes only through a fairly large gap under the door.

"You know..." Man continued. "Your mother surprised me today. " He remembered. "She asked me to take care of you." He looked over his shoulder at the still-closed door to the room. "I think she would've been able to change if it wasn't for that guy. Judson, your father..." He shook his head. "I can't understand him." He sighed. "I also don't understand why your mom is still with him."

Lily listened carefully to her beloved's words and then said in a weak voice:

"She loves him. " She said, adjusting the sleeves of her sweater. "And he always cared for her. " She looked straight ahead and sighed heavily. "He is what he is, but he's always been good to her... Maybe not to me, but to her... For her, he's always shown his love for her."

"Which doesn't change the fact that he behaved badly." He shook his head and looked at the crack in the door. On the other side he could see Liliana's shadow, and her hand on the floor. "I wish..." He began hesitantly, still looking at her hand. "I wish I could take your hand."

Wilkinson glanced at the door, then looked down at the hole beneath it. The red-haired girl noticed Jikyo's hand and she sighed softly, feeling the shivers gently go through her body.

Lily didn't blame Jikyo for anything. She knew he would never hurt her and that she could always count on him. However, what she felt inside was something completely new, foreign and not necessarily wanted to her. She missed him. She missed his touch, his warmth, his presence. She didn't want to be afraid of the man's touch every time someone approached her. But she couldn't control it, it was a impulse. The woman always ran away, hid, backed away. She feared the worst, even though she knew that what had happened to her was a terrible past that she had to come to terms with somehow. She didn't want to bury her head in the sand for the rest of her life. She wanted to be herself again, she wanted to feel the presence of the man she loved. She wanted to feel his strong arms wrap around her again. This was her safe place. Jikyo was her safe place.

The red-haired girl tentatively reached to the hole under the door and timidly touched Jikyo's hand with her finger. This gesture immediately caught the attention of the man sitting on the other side. Park smiled faintly, then carefully brought his hand to Lily's and gently intertwined their fingers together.

"I don't want to feel like this anymore. " Wilkinson whispered. "I want to be myself again..." She said sadly and looked at their joined hands. Jikyo was soothingly stroking her hand, which reassured her. "I need some time, but..." She sighed softly. "I want you to be with me."

"I will. " Jikyo said right away. "I'll be with you until the very end." He turned a little to the side but still held her hand. "We'll get through this together, nae salang. "

"Jikyo...?" She whispered crying softly.

"Hm? "

"I love you. " She said honestly, wiping her free hand with the tears streaming down her cheeks.

Park smiled at these words.

"I love you too, nae salang. " He replied in a warm voice. "I love you. "

The young people talked for a long time, but the door was still closed. After a few hours, Liliana thought in a moment of silence that Jikyo had already gone, but she saw his shadow on the other side. Redhead took a deep breath, then slowly opened the door and looked at the sleeping Jikyo. He was now leaning more against the wall, his head turned to the side. His eyes were closed and he was sleeping so peacefully that Lily was sorry to wake him.

However, woman decided to do it.

Wilkinson knelt silently next to him and watched her beloved for a short time, then hesitantly brushed a strand of his hair from his forehead with her hand, and this gesture woke up Jikyo. Their eyes met.

It seemed that they hadn't seen each other for years, although this feeling was just an illusion. Lily smiled faintly at him then moved closer and hugged the man, who was a bit surprised, but after a moment returned the gesture. Wilkinson snuggled closer to him as Jikyo stroked her head and back soothingly.

"I missed this. " She whispered still cuddling into him.

"Mm..." Park nodded. "Me too. "

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