・゜4. ゜・ *

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"I don't really understand. " Liliana said when the man told her what was going on. "Then why do you want to leave that place? You care about them. " She looked at him with concern.

"Yeah, it's true. " Jikyo nodded and sighed heavily.

"So what else are you not telling me? " She asked gently.

Park was silent for a long time and then decided to take a risk and tell the redhead the whole truth. It had been bothering him for a long time, now he had the courage to share it with someone.

"Because you see... " He began quite uncertainly. "The Walkers already have one child. They didn't distinguish us, they treated us the same. As soon as I met them, they started treating me like their own son, but..." He hesitated. "They don't have enough money. " He admitted. "I overheard their conversations. They're in debt, have arrears and are barely making ends meet. They thought that when they managed to get out of the way, they could afford to adopt a child, but then it turned out as it turned out. " He sighed. "The three of them will be easier."

"But Jikyo. " Woman interjected. "They love you." She said, watching him carefully. "They knew what could happen, and they adopted you anyway, gave you a home and love, because they wanted to try. " She said. "Everyone has problems, including debts. It's not your fault, and your leaving will hurt them more than help. "

"Maybe..." He nodded sadly. "But I don't want to feel that way. I don't want to burden them or cause trouble. No matter what they say or do... I really care about them, but somewhere in the back of my mind I've this feeling that I'm a problem and a burden. " He sighed. "The fact that they love me and that I'm going to hurt them by leaving me won't change that feeling. This will always be on my mind, you understand? " He looked into her eyes. "And I don't want to feel like this all the time."

"Have you tried talking to them about it? " She asked, considering his words.

"No. " He replied immediately.

"You don't want to tell them at all? " She was surprised. "They'll wonder what they did wrong to make you want to leave them so badly. "

"Maybe someday I'll tell them. " He threw up his arms.

"Tell them the truth. " Teenager interjected, which caught his attention. "Tell them everything. The same as you told me. " She put her hand on his shoulder. "They will understand. "

"And they won't want me to leave. " Man said. "The more they'll want to keep me. " He shook his head. "Never mind, I want to end it. Soon I'll be an adult, and then... " He stretched a bit. "I won't have to stay in the orphanage any longer. I'll take care of myself. "

"You already did. " Redhead said with a faint smile. "How old are you anyway?" She asked, surprised to find him amused.

"Nineteen. " He looked at her with a smile. "And you? "

"Ugh..." She shook her head. "Seventeen. " She added in distaste as the boy chuckled. "What? "

"Nothing, nothing. " He waved his hand amused. "Ah, I'll be out of here soon."

"You want to leave? " She asked uncertainly, then lowered her head sadly.

"Yes, I think so. " He sighed heavily and looked at her then smiled. "Do you want to go with me?" He asked, which immediately caught her attention.

"Me? " She was surprised.

"Mm. " He nodded his head still smiling. "After all, there's nothing keeping you here, right?"

Liliana considered this for a moment. She hated her parents, except for them and Jikyo had no one here. Nothing really kept her here. She had once considered leaving town, but lacked the money to do so. Now she could take a chance. She just didn't expect it to be an opportunity to run away with a boy. She liked him a lot, and she didn't even realize it herself. Each day they got to know each other more and that brought them even closer together.

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