Another Tour

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Queen started getting even more popular. Turns out we weren't medium talent after all and we went on another tour.

We were doing a tour in the UK, when Roger did something so unexpected, i still can't believe it. Queen were doing a show in Birmingham and we had just finished singing 'Killer Queen' when Roger had stood up and got right at the front of the stage, dragging me along with him, i had no clue what he was doing, he had not told me about this, but i definitely did not mind, infact, i loved it. Roger faced me and pulled me in by my hips, kissing me more passionately then he usually does, and you could hear multiple girls groan in the crowd, seeing that the hottest band member of queen had a girlfriend and was very much committed to her. As we walked off the stage, Roger put his hand around my waist, his hand having his middle finger up, and once we got backstage, i flipped, i was freaking out, but in a good way, i was jumping up and down, squealing and covering my face. Roger put his hands on my shoulders and stopped me, he put his hand on my chin and lifted my head up so i was looking at him, "I'm guessing you enjoyed that?" he said, "yes, yes, YES!" i said, throwing my hands around him, hugging him tighter then i ever have, i then gently kissed him and said, "you know i love you, right?" Roger replied, "Of course i do, i love you too."

After that show and as the other were out shopping, roger and i stayed in our tour bus, obviously we were kissing, Roger pulled away from my lips and had a smirk on his face, his hands went from my neck, down my arms and they were now in my hands, he guided me to the little kitchen we had on the bus, and he started playing 'Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy' on our radio, "What are you doi-" i said before Roger spun me around underneath his arm and before i knew it, we were waltzing to our own song! "I swear, every moment with you is like a dream roger," i said, laughing because of how ridiculous we must of looked, "well isn't that a good thing, my love?" Roger said, smiling at me, he spun me round and kissed me and of course, right in that moment, Brian and Freddie walked in, they dropped the stuff they got and started singing along to the song, making me and roger laugh, god i love this band.

We had just got back from yet another show, it was getting exhausting. I let Roger come into my hotel room and I sat down. "Roger, can I tell you something?" I asked as he sat down beside me. "Yeah? What's up?" He said. "Well I- I've- I've been uh-" I paused. I looked down at my hands and I was shaking. Roger noticed that a tear rolled down my face. "Y/n, what's wrong? You can tell me, I'm here," he said. I slowly pulled up my sleeve to reveal cuts all over my wrist. "What- did you- did you do that? To yourself?" He said. I started sobbing. "I'm sorry," I said, barely being able to breathe. "It's okay. It's okay. Come here," he said before he hugged me. I started sobbing even harder. Roger had been hugging me for a solid 2 minutes now, he pulled away, "All that matters is that you are okay now, which you are, right?" he asked, "i think i am, it was slowly getting worse and i just needed to tell someone," i replied, tearing up again, roger hugged me again, "i'll always be here for you, my love," he said, Roger was quite literally my life support right now but i knew i could trust him and that is all knew in that moment. "Please don't tell anyone," I said. "I would never tell anyone," he said before kissing me. "I love you so much, you know that right?" He asked me. "Yes of course I do," I said before there was a knock at the door. I quickly pulled down my sleeve when Roger went to go see who it was. He opened the door and it was Brian. When he saw Roger he said "Jesus. Are you two ever away from each other? Anyway, we are going out for dinner if you would like to come." I stood up. "Yeah sure I'll come. Rog are you coming too?" I asked. "Yeah I am," he said before we both followed Brian to a pub nearby.

Me and Roger didn't drink anything but Brian and Freddie sure did. By the time they wanted to go home we had to carry them all the way back to the hotel. Once we managed to get them to their rooms, me and Roger went into my room. "If you don't mind me asking, why did you start, you know, cutting yourself?" He asked. "I don't know really. I just felt like I wasn't good enough and when freddie kissed me after the crash it just made it worse and I started doing it more often," I said. "I'm so sorry y/n. You can talk to me whenever you need to, alright?" He said. Then, we heard huge stomping sounds coming to my room. It was freddie. He always did that when he was drunk. "It's freddie. I don't feel like talking to him especially when he's drunk so I will go hide in the wardrobe," he said before climbing in to the wardrobe. Freddie then knocked on my door and I opened it. "Can I come in?" Freddie asked. "Yeah, sure," I said before he went to sit on my bed and I sat next to him. Roger watched us through the crack of the wardrobe. "Do you know how beautiful you look?" Freddie asked. "Thanks freddie but I-" before I could say anything else, he kissed me. Again. I pulled away immediately. "What the fuck freddie! You know I'm with Roger! Do you not remember what happened last time?" I said. "Roger does not deserve you!" He shouted. Roger got out of the wardrobe. "What did you say?" Roger asked. "Get out freddie. Now!" He shouted before freddie left and we locked the door. Roger came and sat next to me. He put his arm around me. "Why would he do that to me again?" I asked before putting my head on Rogers shoulder. "It's okay. We will deal with him just don't let him in your room drunk again," Roger said.

Roger Taylor // QUEENWhere stories live. Discover now