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(This is a long chapter, sorry!!)

It was early in the morning. I had just woke up and it was the day after we had been on the tv with our song 'killer queen' and i was so happy. All of a sudden, people barged into my house. I got up, and saw that it was the band. I went over to the stairs. "What the bloody hell are you doing here I have just woken up," i said, annoyed. I went down the stairs and saw everyone sitting in my living room. "Well, you should've woken up earlier. Anyway, John Reid has a tour in mind for us. A tour of America," Brian said. "Alright," i said. "Is that it?" Brian responded. "Well maybe if I hadn't just woken up I would have more to say" I said. "When do we leave?" I asked. "Tomorrow so get packed, we are picking you up at 6 tomorrow," Brian said. "Okay can you all now leave my house," i said, annoyed and tired. "Wait Roger can you stay back for a minute" i said. "Sure, what's up" he said. "Well- it's just that- we have kissed twice but we haven't really u know confirmed what we are yet I guess," I told him. "Okay well... will you be my girlfriend?" He said moving closer to me and putting his and on my cheek. "Yes of course," i said. "Well there you go," he said before kissing me. "Roger what is taking so long- never mind." Said Brian before walking back out of the room. We burst into laughter and Roger said "Goodbye love" before leaving.

Once he left, I went upstairs so get changed, brush my teeth and do my hair and makeup. After I did that I packed everything ready for America. I think we were going to be gone for a month, so I packed a lot. I was so excited! For the rest of the day I just layed around, so there was no point in getting ready for nothing.

Before I knew it, it was the next day. I put an alarm on for 4am just so I knew I had enough time to get completely ready. By the time I was fully ready, it was 5:30am so I still had time to sit down and watch tv.

It was finally 6 and they were finally here so I grabbed my suitcase and got in the car. Roger saved me a seat in the front next to him so I sat there. "Hey everyone!" I said and everyone said hi back. It was quite a quiet drive to the airport, and Roger kept putting his hand on my thigh. Once we got to the airport, we all started talking more and having fun. On the plane me and Roger sat next to each other and Brian and Freddie sat next to eachother behind us. I sat in the aisle seat and Roger sat in the window seat. "Sorry if I start fidgeting a lot I'm kinda scared of going on a plane I've never been on one before," I said. "It's fine!" Roger said. They started going through the safety things and it made me think of everything bad that could happen. I started breathing heavily, and I started shaking. My heartbeat starts racing and I start feeling dizzy. "Hey are you okay?" Roger asked, concerned. "N-no I think I'm having a panic attack," i said while breathing heavily. Roger put his arm around me. "Okay that's okay I'm here for you it's going to be fine," he said. "Hey is y/n okay?" Said Brian. Roger leaned over and whispered "no, she's having a panic attack what do i do." I was so anxious I didn't want to be on that flight. "Don't worry y/n it's okay I'm here alright it's gonna be fine everything is going to be fine no need to worry nothing is going to happen," he said. I started to calm down and he help me tight when the plane took off. I looked at him. "Thank you," i said. "It's the least I could do," he said. I put my head on his shoulder and fell asleep.

The next thing I knew we had landed and we were in America. "Y/n, wake up we have landed," Roger said. "Oh ok," i said sleepily. I slowly dragged myself up and got my stuff and left, holding Roger's hand. "Okay, where are we going?" I asked. "Just follow us,"said Brian.

Once we arrived at the hotel, I went straight to my room to just lay down. I was exhausted. But, of course there was a knock at the door. I walked over and opened it. It was Roger. "Everyone is going for lunch, do you want to come?" He asked. "Yeah, sure," I said, following him out of the hotel.

Once we all got there we all had a great time and we went to a pub after. We all got very drunk to the point that we couldn't walk straight anymore. It was around 11 when I decided to go back to the hotel. "Rogerrr are you coming back with me?" I asked him. "Yeah alright," he said following me out the door. "Wait, which way was it again?" I asked. "Uhh, this way?" He said. We got lost a lot but eventually we made it back to the hotel. "Can I come into your room for a bit, y/n?" Roger asked me. "Yeah!" I said, nearly falling over. We got into the room and all of a sudden I needed to throw up. I covered my mouth and ran into the bathroom and threw up. Roger followed me in and he threw up too. "Ugh I'm tired" i said, and fell asleep on the bed. Roger fell asleep next to me and we didn't wake up until everyone came into my room at 12pm. "What you guys doing?" Freddie asked. We woke up. "I don't know I can't remember," I said before running into the bathroom and throwing up again. "Sorry about that I guess I was a bit drunk last night." I said. "Oh no we all were darling I mean why is Roger in your room you didn't.. did you?" Freddie said. "No of course we didn't we were drunk i honestly can't remember," I said before freddie left the room.

"How are you feeling Roger?" I said. "I feel like shit and I'm tired," he said. "Well you need to get up at some point," I said. "Yeah I'll get up now," he said before sitting up. His hair was such a mess and it was all over the place. "Oh I just remembered something I did last night.. I grabbed a manager by the scruff of his neck and went 'give me my fucking chips!' So yeah that's great. We are not going back to that pub any time soon," he said and i burst out laughing. I couldn't remember shit, but it was too funny not to laugh. "Well I'm going to get dressed so do you wanna go to your room?" I asked. "Or I could get changed in here," he said with a smirk. "I- alright," i said and we got changed.

The next day was our first show. I was nervous—I know I have performed before but this is infront of thousands of people. I'll just try to stay calm. I got ready and I met everyone at the breakfast buffet in the hotel. "Hey guys!" I said. "Hi!" Said Fred. I sat down across from Rog and ate my breakfast.

It was then time to go for the show. Once we got there, I went to talk to Roger. "Roger I'm really nervous and I feel like I'm going to mess up," I said. "You won't! Your the best you will be fine I'm there too don't worry," he said. "Okay.. can i have a hug before we go out?" I asked. "Of course!" He said, before hugging me. Then, it was time to go out and perform.

We all went out there together and i nearly fainted at the sight of how many people there were. I looked over at Roger and he mouthed "you'll be fine." I nodded and we started playing. It felt great after we started and we went through the rest of the tour easily and before I knew it, it was time to fly back the the UK.

I was still afraid of the plane so I held Roger's hand the whole way and I felt better that time. We got home late so I went back to my house and got a good nights sleep.

Roger Taylor // QUEENWhere stories live. Discover now