The Beginning

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It was late. I had nothing better to do, so I decided to go to the pub near my house. It was only down the street and my friend, Daniel, was working that night at the bar so i headed down. Before I even got into the pub, I could hear a band playing. I walked through the door and I saw three people: a guy playing guitar, a guy playing bass and singing and a guy playing the drums.

I went over to the bar. "Hello, Daniel! Haven't seen you in a while," I said to him loudly, because of the loud music and people talking. "Hey y/n!" He replied. "Who are these people playing?" I asked him
"Oh, they are a band named smile. They are here every Friday night. The blonde drummer is called Roger Taylor, the guitarist is called Brian May and the lead singer and bass player is Tim.. not sure of his last name though." He told me. I couldn't lie, that drummer.. what was his name - Roger Taylor - was really hot. "Thanks, Dan."

All of a sudden, I felt a pair of eyes on me. It was him. The drummer. His ocean blue eyes were fixed on me and when I met them, they looked away. "Dan - did you see that??" I said. "See what?" He said looking confused. "That blonde guy just looked at me. I swear on my life he did I'm not joking" I told him. "Aww, your blushing!!" He told me. I didn't even realise. That man is so fine I needed to talk to him.

After the show, I went out back where I could hear voices..
"Humpy bong?" Said one. "Humpy bong." Another confirmed. "Don't do it Tim." Said another. "C'mon, we are going nowhere with this - gotta give it a go." I looked at what was going on - it was the band. The lead singer had just quit. All of a sudden, someone went over to them, talking about how he had been watching the shows for a while and that he wrote songs - and thought he could be their new lead singer. He then started singing, and i couldn't help but laugh. They heard me. Shit. They started looking around, thankfully they didn't see me. After that, they all left and went separate ways and Roger was coming over to me. He came over and handed me a piece of paper and said "give me a call sometime." He winked, and before I knew it he was gone. Oh my god. What just happened.

He then turned back. "Oh and, do you play bass?" He asked me. "Yeah.." I replied. "Great. I'll tell Brian and your now a part of the band. Make sure to call me and I'll tell you everything." He told me. What? I'm great at bass but I was so nervous. I had never been on stage or anything before. I have never performed - only infront of my parents. "But I-". He was gone before I could complain. Well, I guess I was part of a band...

I rushed back inside to Dan to tell him everything. I told him exactly what happened, and he was shocked. "So.. do you think you have a shot with him?" I knew exactly what he was talking about. Roger. "I don't know.. I guess we'll see?" I told him. "And I guess I'll be seeing you perform next Friday night." "Yeah.. shit I gotta get home I need to call him, see you next Friday Dan!" I said before running out of the pub.

Whilst I was on my quick walk home i started to think. Maybe I did have a shot after all? No way. He would never love someone like me.. or would he?
As soon as I got home I called him right away. He didn't answer. I called again, and he finally answered. "Hello? Is this Roger?" I said over the phone. "Yes it is.. wait what's your name? I didn't get it earlier" he asked me. "Y/n y/l/n" I told him. I was so nervous. "Great, y/n! Oh and Brian's okay with you being the bass player, so we will see you next Friday, meet us outside the pub at 8pm and bring your bass." He said. And with that, he hung up.

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