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Where Michael falls for Luke's eyes, who don't know him yet, all over a cup of tea.

''Hey, what if we go for a cup of tea? Do you even drink tea? I mean, we live in London, usually when you live in London you drink a lot -'' Michael started rambling, what Luke simply stopped.

''I drink tea, Michael.'' he laughed. They both stood up, Luke taking Pandora's leash and wrapping the small piece of it around his palm.

''Can - can I guide you?'' Michael asked slowly, offering a hand to Luke. Luke gives him a slight nod and Michael takes his hand in his own.


They were sitting in a booth, waiting for a waitress. On their suprise, mostly Luke's because he didn't see it, a waiter with golden locks and hazel - green eyes aproached their table. The name tag read Ashton, which was, what Michael guessed, the boys name.

''What can I get you guys?'' he asked, Australian note in his accent. Luke chuckled, which caused the boy to glare at him. ''What?'' he asked annoyed

''You're an Aussie. So are we. And you're a boy waiter.'' Luke smiled to the boy. What he didn't realize is that he stared in a completly wrong direction.

''Oh, um, blondie, I'm on this side.'' Ashton called, smiling. He was rather confused, but didn't asked.

''Sorry, a thing with being blind.'' the blonde chuckled, fixing his glasses. The curly haired boys mouth were hanging, but then he bit his lip.

''Well, what can I get you?'' he asked.

''Two cammomile teas. Both with milk. I'll have with two sugars, Luke will take with three.'' Michael told the boy, who wrote it down and simply mumbled an 'okay' and walked away from the table.



''How did you know?'' Luke asked in confusion.

''Know what?'' he could hear Michael chuckle, which was adorable to him.

''How do I drink my tea. It's confusing, how did you know? Three sugars, cammomile and milk.'' Luke explained to the boy who let out a small laugh to him.

''I work here. This is actually where I work every day. And I see you once a week. And you always order the same. When you're sadder than usual you order hot chocolate with marshmallows. When you're in a good mood you order a cappucino with chocolate sprinkles, whipped cream and four sugars. You always have your IPod and earphones.'' Michael counted. Luke was in utter schock, how Michael remembered all the small details.

''Then you know that dumb waiter who was just here?'' he asked instead of what he actually wanted to say. Michael laughed, shaking his head slightly for the answer.

''Nope, he's a new one.'' he explained.



''Here's your tea. Enjoy.'' the Ashton boy said, before turning to Michael. ''Genevive asked where did you get your balls.'' he asked. Genevieve was Michael's boss and he was rather close with her. She was like his older sister, the girl being twenty-three, only three years older than Michael.

''Tell her it's from her girlfriend.'' Michael mocked, seeing the crimison red haired girl behind the counter and flipped her off on which she stuck out her tounge to him.

''Woow! Genevieve you got burned!'' Ashton yelled laughing as hell.

''Tell him to fuck off.'' the girl called on which Ashton simply glared at her. Death glared to be precise.

''Don't swear.'' he said and walked from the table. Michael looked at the blonde on the oposite side of the table who was rather confused.

''Sorry, Genevieve is my boss.'' Michael explained. ''She's always gay. And really wicked.'' he laughed. Luke simply shrugged.

Silence and tea drinking



''Can you take your glasses off?'' Michael suddendly asked.

Luke furrowed his eyebrows, clunching his fingers, before nodding slowly. He reached for his glasses but Michael got it before he did. The boy blinked his light blue eyes a couple of times. It was still dark for him, but it seemed like enlighting Michael's world. It all changed in a couple of seconds.

''I think I might love you.'' he breathed out, his heart racing up by every breath he took in. He could see a smile sneak onto the blonde's lips.

''You sure?'' Luke asked.


They both laughed. Only for a second their worlds turned around. For eachother obviously.

''I swear there is an Ed Sheeran lyric for every moment in your life!'' Michael exlaimed laughing.

''Which one is for this moment, then?''

''I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet. Seems perfect for it. Doesn't it?'' Michael smiled softly to the blonde.

''Too perfect.'' he smiled back.

[fluffidy, fluffidy fluff! ok, michael has black hair, i died, litterally, died.

Is there a word you use too much? Mine is rather. Re-read the story there is more than 3 times! this is really happy, and it makes no sense bc 'why are the two boys always so sad' but you'll see.

Also, dear Lana, correct me one more time and I'll burn your eyebrows. You're going to share a room with me for 4 nights, I wouldn't sleep in your place. *evil smirk* ]

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